Related Topics:

Word Report Templates

General Spreadsheets

Analysis Workbooks

The analysis workbook is a custom analysis and reporting tool that is built directly into many Synthesis applications (including Weibull++/ALTA, RGA and BlockSim).

These flexible workbooks provide functionality similar to Microsoft Excel (with over 150 built-in functions and complete in-cell formula support), and they can be used to integrate data and/or results from up to four analyses at the same time. You also have the option to save any existing workbook as a template that can be reused with any data set.

To add a new analysis workbook in an existing project, choose Insert > Reports and Plots > Analysis Workbook.

For more information about using these flexible workbooks, see:

Other Options for Custom Analysis and Reports

Word Report Templates offer custom reporting functionality that is similar to a Microsoft Word document. You may prefer to use this tool if you want to have a more polished, professional looking report. The Word reports also allow you to use the Plot Wizard to insert the same types of plots that are generated in folio or diagram plot sheets.

In Weibull++/ALTA and RGA, you also have the option to insert general spreadsheets into any data folio. These flexible spreadsheets provide functionality that is very similar to analysis workbooks.


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