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DOE++ Features Overview

This topic provides a brief overview of the major analysis, data management and reporting capabilities provided by DOE++.

You can also review an introduction to the Synthesis Platform and a list of what's new in the Synthesis version.

Introduction to DOE++ 9

ReliaSoft's DOE++ software facilitates traditional Design of Experiments (DOE) techniques for studying the factors that may affect a product or process in order to identify significant factors and optimize designs. The software also expands upon standard methods by supporting the reliability DOE methodology, which offers a major breakthrough for reliability-related analyses by providing the proper analysis treatment for life data and any other data where censoring occurs.

Supported Design Types

DOE++ facilitates the design types employed in traditional DOE and also expands upon the traditional methods to support the analysis of life data. The supported design types are:

Flexible Tools for Custom Design and Evaluation — Enhanced in Version 9!

DOE++ includes a variety of tools to guide you through the process of creating and modifying your design, as well as analyzing data from an experiment that doesn't fit any of the predefined design types.

Detailed Experiment Results

The software provides a flexible array of tools for analyzing the experiment results, including:

Analysis Plots

A wide variety of diagnostic, interpretive and predictive plots are available, including:

The 3-dimensional Surface Plot is also available to help you visually investigate how varying the levels of two factors will affect a response.

Model Reduction Made Easy

Make your initial design as inclusive and far-reaching as you like, then refine it until you have exactly the information you need. DOE++ provides separate analysis results for each response that you select to include in the analysis. Excluding a response is as simple as clearing a checkbox. Reducing the model is just as easy. Simply open the Select Terms window and select to include/exclude factors and interactions individually or in groups, and then re-analyze the data set.

Optimization for Your Desired Outcome — Enhanced in Version 9!

DOE++’s Optimization Folio provides a collection of powerful tools that you can use to explore the factor level combinations that produce response values within the limits you specify. This includes the ability to search for the factor level combination that produces the most desirable output, as well as the ability to display all the combinations that keep the output within the specified limits.

Response Prediction for Untested Treatments

DOE++'s Prediction window allows you to enter your own combinations of factor settings to predict the resulting response values, complete with confidence metrics, based on the fitted model.

Variability Analysis

For designs with more than one replicate, DOE++ allows you to determine the variability of the response(s) across runs and to analyze that standard deviation information. This offers valuable insight into the sources of variation within the experimental data.

Simulation Worksheets — New in Version 9!

With the Simulation Worksheet, you can link an experiment design to a diagram in BlockSim/RENO to obtain simulated response data, which can then be analyzed in DOE++ in order to investigate the effect of one or more settings on the simulation results.

Measurement Systems Analysis — New in Version 9!

The quality of your data will always be limited by the quality of the measurement system you use. To help you obtain the best data possible, DOE++ includes three tools for measurement systems analysis, which you can use to evaluate individual measurement systems, as well as compare one to another.

Attached Files

You can attach files to a project to keep related information from external data files together with the rest of the analysis.

Plots and Charts to Visualize Your Analysis Results

DOE++ makes it easy to create a complete array of plots and charts to present your analysis graphically. The Plot Setup allows you to completely customize the "look and feel" of plot graphics, while the RS Draw metafile graphics editor provides the option to insert text, draw objects or mark particular points on plot graphics. You can save your plots in a variety of graphic file formats (*.jpg, *.gif, *.png or *.wmf) for use in other documents.

Analysis Reports

If you want to gather all the analysis results of interest in one place, you can create a spreadsheet report. Use the Report Generator window to automatically add different results from a selected analysis, or copy results from any analysis in the project and paste them in manually. Also, since they function like any other spreadsheet in Synthesis, these reports provide complete in-cell formula support, cell references and over 150 built-in functions. You can type functions directly into cells or use the Function Wizard to build and insert functions with ease; and the integrated Chart Wizard guides you through the steps to create your own graphical charts.


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