Related Topics:

Function Wizard

Word Report Template Functions

This section presents the functions that can be entered in report templates in RGA by using the Function Wizard.

The Function Wizard must be used to initially add a function to a report template as the functions are inserted as fields. After doing so, you may copy the function and change its settings.

The functions are grouped into the following categories:

Format: [PROJECT]

Example: [PROJECT] returns the current project name.

Format: [RELIABILITY(Source Number)(Time)]

Example: [RELIABILITY(1)(1000)] uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return the reliability at 1,000 hours.

Format: [BOUNDREL(Source Number)(Time; Confidence Level)]

Example: [BOUNDREL(1)(1000;0.9)] uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return the 90% one-sided confidence bound on the reliability at 1,000 hours.

General Functions

Current Date

Repository Location

Current Time

User Company

Project Name

User Name


Data Source Functions

Actual Growth Potential Failure Intensity

Demonstrated/Achieved Failure Intensity

Initial MTBF

Number of Unique Modes

Actual Growth Potential MTBF

Demonstrated/Achieved MTBF

Input Type

Optimum Overhaul

Actual Projected Failure Intensity

Discovery Rate Failure Intensity

Laplace GOF

Parameter Name

Actual Projected MTBF

Discovery Rate MTBF

Likelihood Value

Parameter Values

Analysis Type

Effectiveness Factor

Maturity Factor

Percent A Modes

Average Actual EF

Equivalent System

Mission Time

Percent BC Modes

Average Effectiveness Factor

Failure Intensity BD

Model Name

Percent BD Modes

Average Nominal EF

Failure Intensity Modes


Probability of Failure

BD Mode Failure Intensity

Failure Intensity Modes Seen

MTBF Given Time

Projected Failure Intensity

Chi-Squared GOF

Failure Intensity System

MTBF Modes

Projected MTBF

Common Beta Hypothesis

FI Given Time

MTBF Modes Seen


Confidence Bounds Method

First Time-to-Failure Unique Modes

MTBF System

Superposition System

Cramér-von Mises GOF

Fisher Matrix

Nominal Growth Potential Factor

Termination Time

Cumulative Number of Failures


Nominal Growth Potential Failure Intensity

Test Procedure

Cumulative Timeline

Growth Potential Failure Intensity

Nominal Growth Potential MTBF

Time at Reliability

Data Entry

Growth Potential MTBF

Nominal Projected Failure Intensity

Time Given FI

Data Source Name

Growth Rate

Nominal Projected MTBF

Time Given MTBF

Data Source Type

Initial Failure Intensity

Number of Failures

Total Number of Systems


Confidence Bounds Functions

Bounds on Actual Growth Potential Failure Intensity

Bounds on Discovery Rate Failure Intensity

Bounds on Nominal Growth Potential Failure Intensity

Bounds on Reliability

Bounds on Actual Growth Potential MTBF

Bounds on Discovery Rate MTBF

Bounds on Nominal Growth Potential MTBF

Bounds on Time Given Failure Intensity

Bounds on Actual Projected Failure Intensity

Bounds on Failure Intensity

Bounds on Nominal Projected Failure Intensity

Bounds on Time Given MTBF

Bounds on Actual Projected MTBF

Bounds on Growth Potential Failure Intensity

Bounds on Nominal Projected MTBF

Bounds on Time Given Reliability

Bounds on Cumulative Failures

Bounds on Growth Potential MTBF

Bounds on Parameters


Bounds on Demonstrated Failure Intensity

Bounds on Mission Time

Bounds on Projected Failure Intensity


Bounds on Demonstrated MTBF

Bounds on MTBF

Bounds on Projected MTBF



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