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This chapter discusses several common features that are similar in all MSG-3 analyses and/or must be determined up-front by an authorized user. This includes:
How to define the task type abbreviations that are used in tasks.
How to manage the ATA chapters that determine the systems/subsystems for systems and powerplant analysis, as well as the structures/substructures for structural analysis.
How to manage the major zones and major sub-zones for zonal and L/HIRF analysis.
Setting the configurable options for all MSG-3 analyses in the current repository:
How set and apply working group stamps.
How to define the status updates for a record.
How to import MPC hierarchies between projects.
For features that are specific to a particular type of analysis, see Systems and Powerplant Analysis, Structural Analysis or Zonal and L/HIRF Analysis.
In MPC, the time units can be used in the Interval field for maintenance task records, if desired. Some of the reasons why you might choose to define the task interval with a number and time unit (instead of a text field that places no constraints on how users type information) include:
May increase the likelihood that task intervals will be defined consistently (i.e., if users always enter a value and select the time units from a drop-down list, it will be less likely to have inconsistent abbreviations for entered data – 100 flight hours, 100 flt/hrs, 100 flight hrs., etc.).
Makes it easier to sort tasks by interval.
Gives you the ability to import the analysis project into RCM++ or RBI so that you can perform more flexible, data-based maintenance analysis. In RCM++ and RBI, the task intervals must be defined numerically in order to be considered in calculations and simulations.
Tip: In previous versions, all task intervals were defined in text fields with no constraint on how users typed the information. When you convert an existing analysis project from MPC 3, the Tasks Conversion window allows you to decide whether the imported tasks will continue to define the intervals in text fields or if you prefer to convert the existing records to use numerical values with predefined time units.
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