Related Topics:

Plot Sheet Control Panel

Overlay Plots

Side-by-Side Plots

Life Data Analysis Plots

ALTA Plots

Parametric RDA Folio Plots

ALTA Degradation Plots

Warranty Analysis Plots


Plots are available in standard folios and all specialized folios except the Weibull++ Event Log folio, as well as in diagrams, in the Non-Linear Equation Fit Solver and in SimuMatic. In all cases, these plots can be viewed by clicking the Plot icon located on the main page of the control panel. You can also choose Life Data > Analysis > Plot (in the case of Weibull++ folios), ALTA > Analysis > Plot (in the case of ALTA folios) or Diagrams > Analysis > Plot (in the case of diagrams).

If you click the Plot icon before the data sheet or diagram has been calculated or analyzed, it will automatically be calculated or analyzed and then the data will be plotted in the plot sheet. You can add more plot sheets to a standard folio by choosing [Life Data/ALTA] > Folio Sheets > Insert Additional Plot.

These additional plot sheets can also function as overlay plots to place multiple data sheets from the current folio on a single plot.

Note that the Plot icon on the plot tab control panel refreshes the plot. If the data set has been changed since the data sheet or diagram was last calculated or analyzed, you must recalculate the data before refreshing the plot. The status light on the control panel indicates when the plot is out of sync with the data sheet. You can control which items (lines, points, etc.) are displayed on the plot via the Show/Hide Plot Items window, which is accessed by choosing Plot > Plot Actions > Show/Hide Plot Items, except in the case of SimuMatic plots, which have display options on the plot sheet control panel.

Note: You can copy the plot graphic to the Clipboard for use in other locations. Choose Plot > Copy Plot Graphic and select an image type. You can copy the plot as a bitmap image or as a metafile image optimized for pasting into either a Synthesis spreadsheet (e.g., analysis workbook) or an external application. Choosing Home > Copy or pressing CTRL+C will also copy the plot graphic, using the default copy type selected in the Plot Copy Type field in the Synthesis Setup window.


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