Related Topics:

Getting Started

Desktop Application Interfaces

Synthesis Resources

Working in Synthesis

With integration into the Synthesis Platform, ReliaSoft's desktop applications have transitioned from a standalone document/file format, to a multi-user, database-driven approach. This offers enormous potential to integrate reliability program activities and tools, while simultaneously facilitating effective information sharing and cooperation between engineering teams of any size.

The experience of working in a database-driven, multi-user environment will be a bit different than using prior versions of ReliaSoft’s applications (Version 7 or older) and other document-centered applications such as Microsoft Excel. For example, your organization (or team) will need to choose the most appropriate database type and security, implement shared settings that will effectively facilitate project management, and establish adequate backups and database maintenance to protect against data loss. In addition, individual users must be aware that changes are saved automatically as they work (except with the Synthesis file type *.rsf10), and become familiar with the features that facilitate simultaneous access by multiple users.

This chapter addresses a variety of topics that will help you configure and use the Synthesis Platform to meet your particular needs. For additional information, see Desktop Application Interfaces.


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