Related Topics:

Database Types

Backstage View (File Tab)

Repository Settings

Synthesis desktop applications include a variety of configurable settings that are shared by all users and all analysis projects in the same database. Depending on the application you are using, some or all of the following settings are managed via the Repository Settings section of the Backstage View (File > Manage Repository).

Time Units

  Manage Units defines the time units that will be available for use in any project within the database. This allows users to work with time-based inputs and results in the units that are appropriate for the situation.

Names and Categories

  Define Default Names specifies the default names for new Synthesis resources, as well as new blocks in BlockSim RBDs, fault trees and phase diagrams. It is not applicable for MPC.

  Define Categories defines the categories that can be used to filter and group data throughout the database.

Task Types (applicable only in RCM++, RBI and MPC)

Task Types maps the task types used in RCM++ and RBI (e.g., Restoration, Failure Finding, etc.) to the corresponding task classes in the universal reliability definition (e.g., Preventive, Inspection, etc.) so that simulation and cost calculation results are accurate. (See Task Types in RCM++/RBI in the Xfmea/RCM++/RBI documentation.)

In MPC, it allows you to modify the abbreviations used for the MSG-3 task types. (See Task Type Abbreviations in MPC in the MPC documentation.)

Backups and Database Maintenance

 Restore Points manages all of the project backups that are stored in the current database.

 Compact and Repair is available only in a standard database (*.rsr10) or Synthesis file (*.rsf10). It helps to reduce the size of the database and protect against data loss and corruption. (See Backups and Database Maintenance.)

XFRACAS (not applicable for MPC)

 XFRACAS Connection is available only in a standard database (*.rsr10) or Synthesis file (*.rsf10). It is applicable for the Synthesis Data Warehouse in Weibull++, ALTA and RGA, and also in Xfmea/RCM++/RBI.

Dashboards (not applicable for MPC)

 Dashboard Layout Manager shows all of the predefined dashboard layouts that will be available for any Synthesis user to view for a particular data set.

Project Planner (not applicable for MPC)

 Project Planning Resources defines the cost categories, teams, materials and facilities that are used for tracking costs, man hours and resource utilization in actions and Project Planner gates.

 Working Days/Holidays specifies the business days when project planning resources can be utilized.

Other Settings

 E-mail and Other Settings contains other settings, such as enabling alerts via e-mail or SMS, activating the history log, etc.


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