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RBI Features Overview

This topic provides a brief overview of the major analysis, data management and reporting capabilities provided by RBI. This includes the features that facilitate:

The Customization, Data Management and Reporting features are applicable for all analysis types.

For information about the software's capabilities for multi-user access and intelligent integration, you can also review an introduction to the Synthesis Platform.

Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

As described in RBI Analysis, the software provides flexible support for each step in performing a risk based inspection analysis based on the API RP 580 and RP 581 publications.

Risk Category Customization

RBI allows you to define the risk categories that reflect the specific risk tolerances (failure probability, area consequences and financial consequences) that your organization is willing to take. You can also define how each rating is displayed in your analyses.

Management Score

RBI also allows you to set the Management Systems Score for each project, which is an adjustment factor that accounts for the management influence of a given plant’s supervisors and management on the mechanical integrity of the plant equipment. This factor helps to measure how likely it will be that management finds issues related to the plant’s mechanical integrity. The factor is calculated based on a Management Score Survey that evaluates the facility’s management systems and their effect on a given plant’s risk.

Qualitative RBI Analysis

You can configure the risk discovery ratings feature to provide a quick qualitative RBI analysis that can save time and effort by estimating an asset's importance in terms of risk. If the asset is found to be of low risk, then less time (possibly none) should be spent on it in the future as compared to an asset that is found to be of high risk during the assessment. By doing this quick assessment, you can focus your limited resources (both time and money) on those assets that pose the greatest risk, both physically and financially.

Support for All API Equipment and Components

RBI includes all of the equipment and components listed in the American Petroleum Institute's RP 581 document for risk-based inspection technology. This includes compressors, heat exchangers, pipes, tubes, tanks, HEXTUBEs and pressure relief devices.

When adding a component, RBI provides a wizard that guides you through the steps of defining the general properties and selecting the applicable damage factors. You can then enter the relevant damage factor properties and consequence properties and finally generate the results.

Flexible Capabilities for RCM Analysis

As described in RCM Analysis, the software provides flexible support for each aspect of your RCM analysis project, from selecting the equipment to creating the final maintenance plan.

Support for FMEA and Related Analyses

RBI also provides a complete set of features for FMEA and related analyses, which can be used independently (e.g., use RCM for some equipment and FMEA for other equipment) or integrated with any RCM analysis (e.g., incorporate the RPN method as an additional tool for evaluating risk).

Customization, Data Management and Reporting Features

Analysis Plans

The Analysis Plan utility allows you to keep track of team members, ground rules, estimated completion dates, scheduled work sessions and other details that will help you to plan and manage your analysis projects. The software makes it easy to generate a high-level overview of all pending analysis projects and also to generate a report for each individual project plan.

Extensive Customization Options

As described in the Project Properties Window topic, RBI provides predefined profiles for all major FMEA and RCM reporting standards, which makes it easy to configure the analysis workspace to fit any of the supported standards. In addition, the software offers flexible capabilities to customize any of the sample profiles or create your own profiles to meet the specific needs of your organization. Some of the configuration options include the ability to:

Flexible Tools to Facilitate Data Entry and Management

RBI’s unparalleled capabilities for finding and using data from existing analyses, templates or phrase libraries can help to speed up and improve the quality of your analyses. These flexible ways to utilize existing data can save time on data entry and help to ensure consistency among analyses. They also provide a powerful brainstorming tool. Some of the most useful features for data entry and management include:

Support for Large Multi-Level System Configurations

RBI’s flexible system hierarchy interface allows you to manage large, multi-level system configurations with as many levels as you need (and any number of items per level). You can fully define the properties for each item (e.g., supplier, part number, expected operating environment, etc.) and perform RCM, FMEA and related analyses at any level within the system configuration (e.g., system, subsystem and/or component).

You have the option to import system configuration data from an outside file (e.g., Bill of Materials) or use built-in features to build the configuration "from scratch" within the software.

Change Log

When an authorized user activates the change log for a particular RCM analysis, FMEA or DVP&R analysis, the software records a history of the specific changes that were made in each tracked revision to the analysis since the log was activated. Depending on your selections, the log can record the date/time of the change, the user who made the change, the property that was changed, the value before, the value after and the reason (or justification) that the user provided at the time of the change. If desired, this utility also can be used to store an electronic record of the users who have reviewed and approved each version of the analysis.

Queries, Reports and Charts

Of course, RBI makes it easy to generate report output in the tabular worksheet format that is commonly used for RCMs, FMEAs and related analyses. However, since all of the analysis information is stored in a relational database, RBI is able to go beyond these basic worksheets to provide a complete range of options for presenting the data in ways that will effectively communicate results and facilitate decision-making.

The Reports window provides a set of predefined report forms and also allows you to build and manage your own report templates. You can use this flexible tool to build a complete report document that will be generated in Microsoft Word or Excel.

The Query Utility allows you to search the project or database for the records that meet your specific search criteria. Since you also have the option to specify which data fields will be included in the tabular results and the order of the columns, this utility also functions as another flexible custom reporting tool. Query results can be exported directly to Microsoft Excel and you can also integrate saved queries into the documents that you create via the Reports window.

The Plot Viewer provides an array of flexible options for you to create attractive graphical charts based on analysis data. These charts can be saved or copied as graphic files (*.wmf, *.jpg, *.gif or *.png) that can be inserted into other document files.

Failure Modes and Reliability Analysis (FMRA)

You can use failure modes and reliability analysis (FMRA) to integrate statistical reliability analysis calculations into your RCM and FMEA activities. Specifically, this view can be used to:


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