Related Topics:

RBI Assessment

Table of Steel Types

Damage Factor Properties

The Damage Factors Properties tab allows you to make the required inputs for the damage factors that are applicable for the component (based on your selections on the Damage Factors Selection tab).

The properties are grouped into nodes based on the relevant damage factor.  However, if a property applies to multiple damage factors, then it will appear in the Apply to Multiple Damage Factors node at the top of the tab and will only need to be specified once regardless of how many damage factors share the property.

All damage factor properties and consequences properties must be filled out before you can calculate the RBI results.

If desired, you can use the Notes column, , to record any notes about the information supplied. These notes only appear in the RBI Properties tab and do not display in any reports. Double-click inside the cell to open the Notes window. An icon in the cell indicates that notes have been saved for that field.


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