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This Ribbon is available only when you are working on a functional failure analysis in the F-F-E-C tab in the Analysis panel.
Add Function adds a function to the functional failure analysis and opens the Function Properties window.
Insert Function inserts a function above the function that is currently selected in the functional failure analysis and opens the Function Properties window.
Edit Function opens the Function Properties window, which allows you to view and edit all of the properties of the function record.
Add Failure adds a failure to the functional failure analysis and opens the Failure Properties window.
Insert Failure inserts a failure above the failure that is currently selected in the functional failure analysis and opens the Failure Properties window.
Edit Failure opens the Failure Properties window, which allows you to view and edit all of the properties of the failure record.
Add Effect adds an effect to the functional failure analysis and opens the Effect Properties window.
Insert Effect inserts an effect above the effect that is currently selected in the functional failure analysis and opens the Effect Properties window.
Edit Effect opens the Effect Properties window, which allows you to view and edit all of the properties of the effect record.
Categorization opens the Failure Effect Categorization window, which allows you to identify and evaluate the effects of the functional failure.
Add Cause adds a cause to the functional failure analysis and opens the Cause Properties window.
Insert Cause inserts a cause above the cause that is currently selected in the functional failure analysis and opens the Cause Properties window.
Edit Cause opens the Cause Properties window, which allows you to view and edit all of the properties of the cause record.
Task Manager opens the Task Selection window, which allows you to work with tasks assigned to causes within the functional failure analysis and to choose an appropriate maintenance strategy by using one or both of the available task selection methods.
Import FFEC from Excel allows you to import F-F-E-C data from an Excel spreadsheet.
Up moves the selected record up in the functional failure analysis hierarchy view.
Down moves the selected record down in the functional failure analysis hierarchy view.
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