Related Topics:

Systems and Powerplant Analysis

Functional Failure Analysis (F-F-E-C)

Task Selection Window

Failure Effect Categorization (FEC)

The Failure Effect Categorization window allows you to use the logic diagram from the MSG-3 guidelines to evaluate and categorize the consequences of each functional failure.

There are several ways to access the Failure Effect Categorization window. You can:

If you already know which category is appropriate for the effect, you can choose it from the Category drop-down list in the bottom-right corner of the window. If not, begin working through the logic diagram by selecting the Yes or No option to answer Question 1. After doing so, the Answer 1 field on the right side of the window becomes available. You can use this field to document the reasons why the team chose the answer they did.

Tip: To save time and ensure consistency, each MPC database stores default text that can be used to automatically populate the Answer fields on the right side of the FEC window. Each time you answer one of these questions, you may choose whether to use the default text or replace it with something that is more appropriate for the current situation (see Managing Default Responses). Even if you choose not to accept the default text, you still have the option to reuse any answer that has already been set for another similar record in the database. To view a list of previously defined answers, click the Select Existing button next to the input field to open the Select Existing window.

Your answer to a question determines which of the subsequent questions must be answered. Continue answering the rest of the applicable questions by selecting the Yes or No option and documenting the reasons in the Answer fields, if desired. After you have answered the last question, the FEC category will be highlighted at the bottom of the window.

In the Remarks field, you can enter any additional remarks about the failure effect categorization. This information will be displayed in the Standard report template. It is not displayed in the Dassault or Sukhoi templates.

In the MMEL Ref field, you can specify the conditions under which the aircraft may be operated with failed equipment while still maintaining an acceptable level of safety. This information is displayed in the Standard and Sukhoi report templates and is not applicable for the Dassault template.

 Clear All: Clears all entries and selections made in the window.

 Spelling: Checks the spelling of the text in all input boxes within the window.

For authorized users, two buttons will be displayed under the diagram (called Manage Default Responses and Set Current Responses as Default) that allow the user to manage the default text that is used to populate the answer fields. (See Managing Default Responses.)

The status bar at the bottom of the window displays the date/time of the last change to the failure effect categorization and the user who made the change.


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