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Import, Export and Data Conversion

Importing/Exporting Projects

All ReliaSoft desktop applications make it easy to import or export selected projects from one database to another.

Note that when importing/exporting a project between databases, any resources and FMEAs used by the project will be automatically imported/exported along with the project as local resources, even if they were originally reference resources or global resources. If you do not want the reference resources to be converted to local resources, you must import the both the project and the reference project at the same time. (See Local, Global and Reference Resources.)

To import a project, first choose Project > Management > Import/Export.


In MPC, the Import/Export window opens directly. In all other applications, a wizard displays the options that are relevant for the current application. Select Projects and click OK.

Once the Import Projects or Export Projects window is open, do the following:

  1. Use the drop-down list or browse icon to select the database that you want to import from or export to.

  2. The tree displays the projects that are available to be imported or exported. If desired, you can use the Filter and Find tools to limit the list of projects displayed. (See Project Manager.)

  3. Use the check boxes to select which project(s) you want to import/export then click OK to copy the data.

The following considerations apply:


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