
Home > ReliaSoft Common Tools > Import, Export and Data Conversion > Import, Export and Data Conversion

Import, Export and Data Conversion

ReliaSoft applications provide a variety of different tools for import, export and data conversion from external files and between Synthesis repositories. The options will vary depending on which application you are currently using.

In desktop applications, you can:

When applicable, you can also:

These features can be accessed either from the Import/Export Wizard (Project > Management > Import/Export) or from the Backstage View.

In addition to the common functionality described in this chapter, some ReliaSoft applications provide other data transfer and import/export utilities that fit specific needs (e.g., the Import Bill of Materials feature in Lambda Predict, the Excel templates in XFMEA/RCM++/RBI, the ability to share analysis details between specific ReliaSoft applications.). For more information about these specialized tools, please consult the documentation for the particular application(s) involved.


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