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Local, Global and Reference Resources

There are three types of resources:  

  Local resources can be used only within the project in which they were created, and are therefore available only to users with permissions within that project.

  Reference resources (which are resources created in a reference project) can be used in any project throughout the database. However, in a secure database, they can be created and edited only by users who have the "Create/edit/delete local resources" permission within the reference project. These resources can be selected by any user who has at least the "Read" permission in the reference project. Users without permissions in the reference project can see the reference resources wherever they are used, but they will not be able to select or modify them.

  Global resources can be used in any project throughout the database. In a secure database, they can only be created and edited by users who have the “Create/edit/delete global resources” permission. However, they can be selected by any database user.

To make a resource global, select it in the Resource Manager and choose Home > Actions > Make Global.

Making a resource global cannot be undone and this option is not available for all resource types. If you make a resource global, any resources assigned to it will become global as well (e.g., if a URD has an assigned model, making that URD global will also make the model global, regardless of whether it was originally local or reference).

Parent/Child Resource Relationships

Certain resources can have other resources assigned to them (e.g., URDs can have models and tasks assigned to them, tasks can have models, crews and spare part pools assigned to them, etc.). This can be considered a "parent/child" relationship.

When you create a resource from within its parent, the child resource will be of the same type as its parent. For example, if you are working with a global URD and you add a model to it, the model will be global. If you are working with a reference task and you add a crew to it, the crew will be added to the reference project that contains the task.

When you assign existing resources to a parent resource, the following rules apply:

Keeping Resources Together

The application will automatically keep copies of a project's resources and linked FMEAs when the project is restored, checked out, imported or exported.


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