
Home > ReliaSoft Common Tools > Categories, Identifiers and Filters > Defining Categories

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Project and Item Filters

Defining Categories

In all ReliaSoft desktop applications, you can use flexible categories and identifiers to filter and group analysis data in a way that fits your specific needs. There are two types:

This topic describes how to define the categories that will be available throughout the current database. To learn how to use them to filter and group data, see Project and Item Filters. (For additional options related to categories for system hierarchy items, see Item Categories in XFMEA/RCM++/RBI in the XFMEA/RCM++/RBI documentation.)

Accessing the Project/Item Categories Window

There are two ways to access the Project/Item Categories window and specify which categories will be available throughout the current database. (In a secure database, these are available only for users with the “Manage project/item categories” permission.)

To open the window from the backstage view, choose File > Manage Repository > Project/Item Categories.

Alternatively, you can click inside any Category drop-down list (e.g., in a properties window, filter, etc.) and click the Edit Categories icon.

Adding, Renaming and Deleting Categories





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