
Home > Working in Synthesis > Repository Settings > Notifications > Notification Groups

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Action Notifications Window

Notification Groups

The Define Notifications Groups window allows authorized users to manage the notification groups that are available within the current database.

If a notification group has been assigned to a specific action or message, all of the users assigned to that group will:

To access the window, choose File > Manage Repository > Notification Groups.

(If you do not have the "Manage e-mail notifications” permission, this command will not be visible in the Backstage view.)

Adding or Editing a Group

The table displays a list of the notification groups that have already been defined in the current database.

In the Notification Group window, a unique Name is required and a short Description of the intended purpose for the group is optional.

The Available Users list shows all of the user accounts in the current database that are not yet assigned to the group. At least one user account must be moved into the Selected Users list.

There are a variety of ways to move records between the lists:

Deleting a Group

To delete an existing group, select a row and click Delete or press the DELETE key.

If the notification group has been assigned to any existing actions and/or messages, it will be removed automatically. There is no undo for delete.


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