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My Portal provides additional information relevant to your work within the database. Four pages are available within My Portal:
The Messages page
The Actions page
The Users page
The Reliability Web Notes page
When you first activate the software, My Portal will be “docked” as a panel on the right side of the MDI and will be in an unpinned state. My Portal can be manipulated in a way similar to the Project Manager (see Show, Tile, Dock and Pin Panels).
The Messages page allows you to communicate with other users who have access to the database. Note that all users have the ability to manage the messages sent to their user accounts, but the ability to create messages is based on the permissions assigned to the user accounts.
The messages displayed on this page depend on your selection in the Show field at the top. If you select All my messages, you will see all messages that you created and all messages that are directed to you, either individually or as part of the All Users group. You can also choose to view only messages that you created or only messages directed to you individually.
The messages will appear in the order in which they were created, and an icon will appear next to each message to indicate its specific priority level (blue = Low, pink = Medium and red = High).
To create a message, choose My Portal > Messages > Create Message. The Message window will appear.
To edit a message, double-click the message or select the message and choose My Portal > Messages > Edit Message.
To delete a message, select the message and choose My Portal > Messages > Delete Message.
To refresh the list of messages, choose View > Refresh > Refresh.
The Actions page allows you to view the actions that you are involved with. Actions are resources that allow you to ensure that appropriate progress is being made. The actions displayed on this page depend on your selections in the filter options fields, which are accessible by opening the drop-down list at the top of the page. The following filters are available:
The Project field allows you to specify the project for which you want to view actions. Select All Projects to view actions for all projects in the database.
The Show field allows you to specify which actions are displayed based on your type of involvement with the actions. You can choose to view only the actions that you are assigned to review, only the actions that you created, only the actions that you are monitoring via notifications or only the actions that are approved by you.
The Status field allows you to specify which actions are displayed based on the action status. You can choose to view only actions that are reviewed and approved, complete, overdue or due. To view all actions regardless of their status, select All Statuses.
The Priority field allows you to specify which actions are displayed based on the action priority. To view all actions regardless of priority, select All.
The displayed actions will be categorized according to their status (i.e., Overdue, Not Started, In Progress, Completed and Approved). Within each category, they will be arranged in the order in which they were created. A due date will appear next to each action.
You can create, edit and delete actions in the same basic way that you work with messages, using the commands in the Actions group of the My Portal Ribbon tab. Note that you must have a project selected in the Project filter field in order to create an action.
If Microsoft Outlook is installed on your computer, you can choose My Portal > Actions > Add Action to Outlook to create a calendar event based on the action on your own Outlook calendar. By default, the event will be scheduled for the action's due date, but you can make modifications to the event in the properties window that appears.
The Users page displays a list of all users who have an account in the database. (If you are working in a standard database without login security, any user who has ever opened the database will have an account created automatically and will be shown in this list.) A status light is displayed for each user; if it is "lit up" (i.e., green), the user is currently logged in to the database. In addition, the Connections column shows the Synthesis application(s) that the user currently has connected to the database. Clicking a column header in the list of users sorts the list by that column; click again to reverse the direction of the sort.
Choose My Portal > Users > My Profile to open the User Login and Contact Information window, which allows you to edit the contact information associated with your user account.
To refresh the list of users, choose View > Refresh > Refresh.
The Reliability Web Notes page provides access to further information on the interface that you are currently working with. Choose My Portal > Reliability Web Notes > Get Notes for Active Item or click the button at the bottom of the page to see basic theoretical information that may be of use in your current task, as well as links to further information and examples.
You can also select the Automatically retrieve notes check box to have the software automatically update the displayed notes depending on what item is currently active.
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