
Home > Working in Synthesis > Repository Settings > Notifications > E-mail Settings

Related Topics:

Notification Groups

Action Notifications Window

E-mail Settings

E-mail notifications can be an effective tool to facilitate communication between database users and to track the status of assigned tasks.

The E-mail Settings window allows authorized users to enable e-mail notifications within the current database for:

To access the window, choose File > Manage Repository > E-mail Settings.

(If you do not have the “Manage e-mail notifications” permission, this command will not be visible in the Backstage view.)

Enabling E-mail Notifications

To configure the database to enable e-mail notifications, do the following:

  1. Select the Enable Notification E-mails check box.

  2. Specify a valid SMTP port and SMTP server.  (You may need to consult with the IT professionals who have configured the e-mail server used within your organization.)

  1. Enter your e-mail address in the Recipient address for test e-mail field and then click Send Test E-mail. If the test e-mail cannot be sent, an error message will be displayed.

  1. Once you have confirmed that the e-mail settings are valid, specify which automated notifications, if any, will be sent for action records:

For all of these automated notifications, you can also include the user who created the action as a primary recipient by selecting the Action creators receive notifications check box in the E-mail Settings window. Additionally, if other users and/or notification groups have been defined in the Action Notifications window for a particular action, they will also receive courtesy copies (CCs). Note that courtesy copies will not be sent if there is not at least one primary recipient (Person Responsible, Approver and/or Creator) for the e-mail.

  1. Use the Introduction to each action notification e-mail field to specify the default text (up to 1,000 characters) that will be used at the beginning of each action notification e-mail. The rest of the e-mail will include all of the details that have been defined for the particular action record.

  2. Click OK to save these settings for the current database.

Saving Settings for Future Standard Databases

If you want to use the same e-mail settings for each new standard database that you create from the current computer/username, click Set As Default. This button is not available if you are working with an enterprise database.


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