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E-mail Settings

Notification Groups

Action Notifications Window

The Action Notifications window allows you to specify individual users and/or groups of users who will be able to monitor the progress for the current action. These settings apply to automated e-mail notifications and the Actions page of My Portal.

To view or configure these settings, first open the Action window and click the E-mail Notifications heading. Then click the View/Edit E-mail Notifications icon that becomes visible.

E-mails Will Be Sent

The E-mails will be sent area indicates which e-mail notifications, if any, have been enabled for all action records throughout the current database. (Notifications are enabled via the E-mail Settings window, which can be accessed by clicking the Edit icon in this area.) It may look like any of the following three pictures:

E-mail notifications are not enabled
for this database

Automated e-mails are not enabled,
but you can send e-mails manually

Some automated notifications are enabled; the specific buttons identify which ones

Users and Groups

The rest of the window identifies which users and/or groups are assigned to monitor the current action. These users receive automated e-mail notifications (if applicable) and will also be able to see the action displayed in the My Portal window.

Action Creator: If the Action creators receive notification check box is selected in the E-mail Settings window for the database, the user who created the action will receive a courtesy copy of all automated e-mail notifications.

Person Responsible: The user who is assigned to complete the action will receive any automated e-mail notifications that are sent “Upon creation” and/or “Upon modification.”

Assigned Reviewer: The user who is assigned to review and approve a completed action (aka the “Approver”) will receive any e-mail notifications that are sent “Upon creation,” “Upon modification” and/or “Upon completion.”

Notification Groups and Other Users: The selected notification groups and other individual users will receive courtesy copies (CCs) for all automated e-mail notifications related to this specific action, as long as there is at least one primary recipient (Person Responsible, Approver or Action Creator) for the e-mail.


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