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Data Tab - Ribbon

The Data tab contains all the commands for working with data in a design folio. If you are using a different kind of folio, some of the commands below may not be available.


  Calculate analyzes the data for each response that is selected to be included in the analysis. To exclude a response from the analysis, clear the check box in its column header.

  Plot creates a plot based on the analysis. If you click this icon before the current data set has been analyzed, an analysis will be performed automatically.

  Prediction opens a window that allows you to enter values for each factor and see predicted results for the selected response.

  Optimization adds an optimal solution plot to the Optimization folio that is linked to the design folio. If no linked Optimization folio exists, the software will create one.

  Overlaid Contour Plot adds an overlaid contour plot to the Optimization folio that is linked to the folio. If no linked Optimization folio exists, the software will create one.


  Select Terms opens a the Select Terms window, which allows you to specify the terms (i.e., factors, factorial interactions, blocks and quadratic effects) to be considered for each response.

  Alter Data Type opens the Alter Data Type window, which is used to specify the type of life data response (e.g., right censored data) that is used in the current experiment. It is available only for designs that are configured to accept life data.

  Select Transformation opens the Select Transformation window, which allows you to select a transformation to apply to each response.

  Variability Analysis opens the Variability Analysis window, which allows you to select the response column(s) that you want to see variability analysis for and which factors to consider. It is available only for two level factorial and Plackett-Burman designs with standard life data.

  Fold Design opens the Fold Design window, which allows you to replicate the design with runs that use the opposite levels for that factor. It is available only for designs that require two-level factors (i.e., two level factorial and Plackett-Burman designs).

  Optimal Design opens the Optimal Design window, which allows you to optimize a built design by taking into account a) the specific effects that are under investigation, b) limitations on the number runs that can be performed and c) constraints on the factor level combinations that can be used during the experiment.

  Augment Design presents options where you can augment the design by adding individual runs or replicates. (See Augmenting Designs.)

Simulation Worksheets

  Transfer to Simulation Worksheet transfers the factor settings to a new simulation worksheet.

Folio Sheets

  Select Sheet opens the Select Sheet window, which allows you to select which sheet in the current folio you want to be active.

  Delete Sheet deletes the current sheet within the folio.

Format and View

  Visible Columns opens the Visible Columns window that allows you to choose which columns to hide/show in the Data tab.

  Hide Control Panel allows you to hide the control panel in the current window.


  Actual Values displays the actual values for the factors on the data sheet.

  Coded Values displays the coded values for the factors on the data sheet. Which coded values are used (e.g., whether 0 or -1 represents the low level) is dependent on the design type.


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