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DOE++ Home Tab

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This section describes the ribbon tabs that are unique to DOE++. For information about the tabs that are common for all Synthesis desktop applications (i.e., File, My Portal, Project, View and Help), see Ribbons.

The Home tab in DOE++ contains the following commands:



  Cut cuts the selected text or graphic to the Clipboard. Data stored on the Clipboard can be pasted into this and other applications.

  Copy copies the selected text or graphic to the Clipboard. Data stored on the Clipboard can be pasted into this and other applications.  If you are copying a plot, the way the plot is copied will depend on your selection in the Copy Plot Graphic setting in the Application Setup window.

  Format Painter allows you to copy the format properties of text in a spreadsheet and apply it to other text. To use the Format Painter, select the text with the format properties that are to be copied and then select Format Painter. Next, click the text to which the format properties are to be applied.


  Redo reapplies the previously canceled action. You can redo multiple actions by choosing Redo again.

  Undo cancels the last editing change you made.

  Delete deletes the selected text.


  Format Selection opens the Format submenu. The commands in the submenu are available only when you are viewing an Analysis Workbook, except for Font Color, Fill Color and Select Font, which are also available when working with the design folio.

  Select All selects all of the cells in the current spreadsheet.

  Find searches the active data sheet for specified text/values and, if desired, replace the original with new text/values. You can specify the order in which to search (either By Rows or By Columns), and whether to look in equations (Formulas) or within the results of equations (Values). Select the Match Case check box to limit the results to text that have the same case. Select the Find Entire Cells Only check box to limit the results to text/numbers that are identical to the search term.

To replace every instance of a text string, click Replace and in the Replace With field, type the text that will replace the original (if you don't type anything, the tool will delete the original). Click Find Next to search for the text. When a match is found, you can either click Replace to replace the original with the new text, or click Find Next to leave the original as-is and find the next occurrence. To replace all instances without review, click Replace All.

  Spelling activates the Spell Check utility, which allows you to check the spelling within the current sheet.


  Print sends the current sheet to the printer.

  Print Preview opens the Print Preview window, which allows you to view how the current sheet will appear on the printed page.  

  Page Setup opens the Page Setup window, which allows you to specify printing options.


  Quick Statistical Reference (QSR) tool allows you to quickly and easily calculate many common statistical values (e.g., median ranks and chi-squared values) and interpolate (or extrapolate) values using the polynomial interpolation function.


  Another Synthesis Application provides a drop-down list of the other Synthesis applications that are installed on your computer. When you click an icon, the same database will automatically be opened in the new application.


  Synthesis Explorer allows you to explore all of the different analyses that are stored in the current database. You can filter, group and sort the analyses in a flexible grid, and also present the information in a wide variety of dashboard charts. (See Synthesis Explorer.)

  Actions Explorer allows you to explore all of the action resources that are stored in the current database. You can filter and sort by date, status, person responsible, relevancy to you, etc. (See Actions Explorer.)


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