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RENO Features Overview

This topic provides a brief overview of the major analysis, data management and reporting capabilities provided by RENO.

You can also review an introduction to the Synthesis Platform and a list of what's new in the Synthesis version.

Easy to Build Flowchart Models

With RENO, you use the familiar and intuitive flowcharting concept to build models for the scenarios that you are trying to understand, quantify and/or simulate. The software provides a full array of building blocks for these flowcharts to serve different functions within the model. For example, conditional blocks allow you to define "If/Then" statements that trigger one response if the condition is met (TRUE) and another if it is not (FALSE). You can also define various types of resources that can be used in multiple locations and shared among analyses. For example, a RENO function stores an equation that allows you to compute output based on given input(s). You employ easy point-and-click and drag-and-drop techniques to use these components to build simple or complex flowchart models.

"Intelligent" Features to Help You Build Equations

All equation-enabled windows in RENO provide "intelligent" features to help you save time and avoid errors when building equations. These include:

More Than 200 Internal Functions and Predefined Functions

The Function Selector and Equation Editor provide instant access to the RENO internal functions, resources and predefined functions that you will use in the equations for your analyses. This includes:

Debugger Utility to Step Through Flowcharts

RENO includes an integrated utility to help you validate and "debug" your flowchart models. This feature allows you to move through each step in a flowchart and watch the values as each block is executed. You can also watch the progress as the software automatically performs a specified number of simulations in "debug" mode.

Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization Through Multiple Analyses

RENO's Sensitivity Analysis feature allows you to vary one or two constants across simulation runs. For example, if you are analyzing potential investment strategies, you may wish to vary the number of years that you will be investing and/or the percentage of your income that will be invested to see how different inputs will affect the final results. Likewise, you may wish to generate reliability or availability results for a range of times in order to examine the equipment's behavior over time. Potential applications are limited only by your imagination!

Simply enter the starting, ending and increment values for the variable(s) and then RENO automatically varies the inputs and performs runs under each set of conditions.

The Multiple Analyses feature takes the sensitivity analysis capability a step further by allowing you to configure the software to automatically vary the specified variable(s) in order to determine the value that minimizes or maximizes a specified result. For example, you could use this feature to automatically determine the optimum amount of inventory to maximize profits or the optimum preventive maintenance (PM) interval to minimize costs. The results of each analysis can be displayed in the plot sheet, with the optimum value marked on the plot.

Flexible Array of Results with Multiple Display Options

RENO can generate a wide variety of results for your analyses, including averages, sums, arrays, minimum values, maximum values, etc. Simply construct the flowchart model to generate the metrics of interest to you and then employ the software to use discrete event Monte Carlo simulation to execute the model. For models without random variables, a single execution will yield all results of interest. When random variables are present, simulation (repeating the model analysis multiple times) can be utilized. Results are presented in a variety of ways, including:


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