
The capabilities of ReliaSoft's BlockSim and RENO software tools have been integrated into a single user interface with the ability to save both types of analyses together in the same project. This help file provides detailed documentation for both products. The features that are available on your computer will depend on the license that you have purchased from ReliaSoft.

ReliaSoft's BlockSim software provides a comprehensive and flexible platform to model systems and processes using reliability block diagrams (RBDs) or fault tree analysis. An extensive array of RBD configurations and fault tree gates and events are supported, including advanced capabilities to model complex configurations, load sharing, standby redundancy, phases and duty cycles. Using the exact system reliability function and/or discrete event simulation, BlockSim supports a wide variety of analyses for both repairable and non-repairable systems that will be of use to both product designers and asset managers. This includes reliability, maintainability, availability, optimum reliability allocation, throughput, maintenance planning, life cycle costs and other analyses.

RENO is a visual stochastic event simulator -- a powerful and flexible platform for visualizing and dynamically simulating nearly any kind of physical, financial or organizational system. Using the familiar flowcharting concept, you can intuitively build systems and/or scenarios and then run simulations with RENO. In addition to being a flexible visual modeler, RENO can also be described as a "visual spreadsheet" — a way to work with data and equations graphically, clearly showing the connections. Simulation confers the added benefit of being able to evaluate the evolution of systems and scenarios over time.

Both products have also been integrated into the ground-breaking new Synthesis Platform®, which offers reliability practitioners the best of both worlds: analysis tools that are optimized to fully meet the individual user's needs for a particular set of reliability engineering methodologies, plus integration into a shared repository (database) that is accessible by multiple users throughout the organization and facilitates integration between all Synthesis applications. This powerful new platform makes it feasible to more effectively leverage and integrate the information from different types of reliability activities throughout the organization.

This help file provides a wealth of information to help you learn how to use the software to its maximum potential. Before starting we recommend reading the following topics:


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