Related Topics:

RENO Simulation Window

RENO Simulation Status Display

The area at the top of the RENO Simulation window displays the status of the simulation.

The following numerical information is always shown:

In addition, the current number of simulations performed out of the total number of simulations scheduled to be performed is shown at the bottom of the simulation status display (e.g., 10 out of 100 simulations). You can control how often this number is updated by specifying the number of increments to divide the total number of simulations into in the Update Increments field in the Display Options area.

If you have selected Full Display in the Display Options area, a plot will also be shown in the simulation status display. This plot shows the value of the result storage block that you have chosen from the Display Result Storage Block drop-down list. Result storage blocks of all types except array will be available in this list. The range of values represented on the y-axis is controlled by your entries in the Y-Axis fields. During simulation, the current value of the selected result storage block is displayed above the plot.


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