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Introduction to the Synthesis Platform

BlockSim Features Overview

What's New in the Synthesis Version?

With the release of the Synthesis versions, BlockSim and RENO offer a completely updated user interface that has many new and enhanced features. Some of the major additions and enhancements include:

New Synthesis Platform and Centralized Data Storage

BlockSim and RENO analyses are now stored in a centralized database that supports simultaneous access by multiple users and shares relevant reliability information between ReliaSoft's Synthesis applications. To give just a couple examples of the many integration opportunities, you can now:

Technical Upgrades and Productivity Enhancements

All Synthesis applications are now available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. We have added multi-thread support to take full advantage of the processing power on your computer, and also re-engineered/re-optimized much of the code, resulting in speed increases in excess of 10X. For information about the Single-Thread and Multi-Thread versions of BlockSim, and to determine which version is right for you, refer to

The Synthesis version of BlockSim also introduces a new Batch Mode feature that allows you to schedule a series of simulations in advance, which can improve your productivity by allowing you to run lengthy simulations when you're away from your computer. Simply schedule the simulations to run overnight and find the results available when you return to your desk in the morning!

Reuse Reliability/Maintenance Definitions

The new universal reliability definition (URD) capabilities in the Synthesis version make it easier and more flexible than ever to manage the component reliability and maintenance characteristics required for system analyses. Now you can share the same resources (e.g., failure model, maintenance strategy, availability of repair crew/spare parts, etc.) with all users who have access to the project, and directly link the URD with other analyses performed in Weibull++, ALTA, Xfmea, RCM++ and RBI.

For many of the BlockSim inputs (e.g., duration, cost, etc.), you now have the choice to enter a constant value (e.g., $100) or a probabilistic model (e.g., Normal distribution with Mean = $100 and Std = $16.67).

New Gates and Results for Fault Trees

BlockSim's fault tree analysis modeling capabilities have been expanded. The following gates have been added: NOT, NAND, NOR, Priority AND, Sequence Enforcing.

In addition, fault tree diagrams can now be configured to display intermediate results at each individual gate (in addition to the results calculated for the top-level gate).

New Interface for Optimum Reliability Allocation

BlockSim has always offered a unique capability to utilize feasibility and cost models to calculate the optimum component reliability allocation to meet a system reliability goal. Now we have made it easier than ever to enter and manage the information required for these calculations, and we've added support for two new allocation methods: Equal and Weighted.

Calculating the Optimum Replacement Time

The ability to calculate the optimum replacement time provides a powerful opportunity to reduce costs while maximizing uptime. In the Synthesis version, BlockSim makes it easy to enter and manage the information required for these calculations. Now you can perform the calculations for any number of blocks with a single click of the mouse, and the software also provides the option to find optimum times for performing maintenance on selected groups of blocks (i.e., for packaging maintenance tasks).

State Change Triggers

BlockSim now offers the ability to create state change triggers that activate or deactivate a block under certain conditions during the simulation. This provides increased modeling flexibility for highly complex dependency scenarios, such as standby configurations and other situations when you may need to divert the simulation onto an alternate path when a particular event occurs.

Enhanced Cost Calculations

Now BlockSim offers more control than ever over how costs are calculated and provides expanded cost-related results. You can:

Automatic Conversion for Time Values Entered in Different Units

All Synthesis applications now allow you to define conversion factors for entering time values in different units. To give just one example, you can now define the component failure models in terms of hours but then use the QCP to calculate the system reliability for a year of operation — the software performs the conversion automatically based on the multipliers specified within the database.

Redesigned QCP

BlockSim's Quick Calculation Pad (QCP) has been updated and redesigned. The new interface provides a "Calculation Log" that works like the paper roll in an adding machine, allowing you to record the results from a series of different calculations and then copy/paste the results as needed.

New Template-Based Reporting Tools

BlockSim now offers two new template-based reporting tools. "Analysis Workbooks" are spreadsheets (similar to Microsoft Excel) that can be used for custom analysis and reporting. "Word Report Templates" have functionality similar to Microsoft Word. Both tools allow you to automatically insert calculated results from selected diagrams, and save templates that can be re-used again and again with different data sources.

Use BlockSim Simulation Results Within RENO Flowcharts

RENO and BlockSim are now directly integrated. You can view your RENO flowcharts conveniently in the same interface with BlockSim's diagrams. Plus, RENO's new simulation definition resources allow you to trigger simulation of a BlockSim diagram from within a RENO flowchart and then draw results from that simulation into the flowchart. This allows you to, for example, create a BlockSim RBD modeling a system that is used in your RENO flowchart and then use simulation results such as reliability, cost, etc. directly within the flowchart.

Simulation Worksheets

Simulation worksheets allow you to vary values that are used in simulating a BlockSim simulation RBD or a RENO flowchart. This allows you to investigate the effect of one or more settings on the simulation results. The values used can be transferred from a DOE++ experiment, allowing you, for example, to design an experiment in DOE++, simulate the experiment in BlockSim or RENO and then analyze the simulation results in DOE++. Values can also be entered manually, giving you complete control over the combinations of settings used. This allows you to perform batch simulation of a simulation RBD, using different settings for each simulation.

Expanded Modeling Capabilities

RENO's former "Definitions" have been streamlined into Synthesis resources. Any resource can now be used in any project throughout the repository, saving you time and effort in creating related analyses. Additionally:

Take Advantage of Internet Connectivity

One of the many new enhancements in the Synthesis Platform is the ability to take advantage of an active Internet connection to obtain the most up-to-date announcements, documentation and examples. Once you have registered and activated the application on your computer, Internet access is not required — you can still perform all of your analysis activities while working offline — but an Internet connection allows you to take advantage of several useful new features, including: ReliaSoft Online (up-to-date tips and announcements), Reliability Web Notes (context-sensitive access to theoretical background information for the feature you're currently working with), Help Center (a variety of support tools – including the ability to download software updates and generate an e-mail with the details needed for technical support) and Online Help File (we will always install a static version for the times when you're working offline, but the Internet version contains all of the latest updates to provide the information users have been looking for).


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