Related Topics:


Insert Tab

The Insert tab contains commands related to adding items to a project.


  Project Item Wizard opens the Project Item Wizard, which provides information about all the analyses that you could add to the project and guides you through any steps required to configure the analysis that you have selected.


  Analytical RBD adds an analytical reliability block diagram to the project.

  Analytical Fault Tree adds an analytical fault tree to the project.

  Simulation RBD add a simulation reliability block diagram to the project.

  Simulation Fault Tree adds a simulation fault tree to the project.

  Phase Diagram adds a phase diagram to the project.

  RENO Flowchart adds a RENO flowchart to the project.


  Allocation Analysis adds an allocation analysis tool to the project.

Build from Synthesis

  Build RBDs and FTs from Synthesis opens a setup window that allows you to create diagrams based on items imported from Xfmea, RCM++ or RBI or on items imported from Lambda Predict.

  Build Effect FTs from Synthesis opens a setup window that allows you to create fault trees based on effects.

Reports and Plots

  FRED Report adds a FRED report to the project.

  Analysis Workbook opens a wizard to add a analysis workbook to the project. This spreadsheet-type tool allows you to create customized reports that integrate data and/or results from up to four analyses at the same time. Custom plots and charts can be inserted using the Chart Wizard.

  Word Report Template opens wizard to add a Word report template to the project. This tool offers custom reporting functionality that is similar to a Microsoft Word® document. You can add formatted text, and insert functions, plots and other graphics, and then generate the report directly in Word. Each report can utilize data and/or results from up to four analyses at the same time.

  Overlay Plot adds an overlay plot to the project that allows you to display in a single plot results from multiple diagrams. This provides an easy visual method to compare analyses. For example, you may wish to show the reliability plots of two product designs in the same plot.


  Attachment adds linked or attached files to the project.

Simulation Worksheets

  Add Simulation Worksheet adds a simulation worksheet to the project that allow you to vary values that are used in simulating a simulation RBD or a RENO flowchart. This allows you to investigate the effect of one or more settings on the simulation results.


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