Related Topics:

Incident Summary Area

System/Component Information Area

Incident Disposition Area

Incident Repair Information Area

Repairing and Replacing Parts


Use the Incident page to record and view information for a single occurrence of an issue (e.g., failure, planned downing event, customer request, etc.).

If you have permissions to create a new incident, choose Home > Create > Incident.

If the incident wizard is enabled for the current entity, the page will either display all fields in a single form or a wizard that prompts you to enter data one step at a time. To toggle the display, choose Use Incident Wizard, , or Use Single Form, .

After you have entered all required fields (highlighted with red boxes), choose Home > Incident > Create to save the new record.


If your implementation has more than one entity, the fields and options may be configured differently in each. When applicable, a drop-down list at the top of the page allows you to select which entity is currently active before you create a new record.

Incident Type

Depending on the settings for the current entity, you may choose from up to three incident types.

Areas and Fields

The fields in the page depend on the incident type and the configurable settings for the entity. The following topics discuss some types of fields that may be used in each area of the page.

If an application admin has configured additional fields to meet your organization's specific needs, they may be integrated into the areas mentioned above or grouped together in a separate Incident Details area at the bottom of the page.

Serial Number and/or Part Number

In a serialized incident or part incident, there are multiple ways to specify the system or part that the incident pertains to. (See Part and Serial Number Selection Utilities.)

If the incident is not related to a specific system or part, you can leave the fields blank. Alternatively, you can hide the "System/Component Information" area by selecting "Simple Incident" for the incident type.

If you choose to specify this info, it cannot be changed after the incident is saved.

Responsible Part(s)

The Responsible Part field identifies the part(s) that caused the incident to occur. This field uses the system template(s) defined for the current entity.  

If the settings for the current entity allow you to select multiple parts, click the Edit icon, , to view the tree. If the entity is configured to require a single responsible part, you will just see a drop-down list of parts that have an owner.

Click the History icon, , to view a list of any changes to the responsible part that have been saved for the incident. (This field is required and cannot be disabled or hidden.)

Incident Owner and Creator

Users who have the required permission can set or modify the incident owner and creator fields using the drop-down list.

If you create a new incident without selecting the owner or creator, these fields will be set automatically when you save the record:

Depending on the configurable settings for the entity, the incident owner may receive e-mail notifications when the incident is created, when actions are created for the incident, etc.

Team Members

If enabled for the current entity, the Team Members field identifies the users who will be working on the issue, and their roles on the team. This field is not displayed until the record is created. (See Assign Team Members Utility.)

You can click the link for any team member's name to send an e-mail regarding the record. (See Send E-Mail Utility.) Depending on the configurable settings for the entity, team members may also receive e-mails when a status update is added or modified. (See Adding Status Updates.)

Tip: If the Audience Restriction field is enabled for the entity and you select "Attorney/Client Privilege," the record will be visible only to the owner and team members. You will also be prompted to select a user for the "Legal" role on the team.


An Actions field contains a list of specific assignments that need to be tracked and completed. If enabled for the entity, this type of field is not displayed until the record is created.

Click Create New Action, , to add a new assignment for the current incident. (See Actions.)

The table displays the actions that have already been assigned. Click the action number link to open the action window, or click the expand icon, , to show more of the details in the table. Click to view the list of actions in a report grid that you can filter, sort, export to Excel, etc.

Status Updates

If enabled for the current entity, a Status field allows users to add notes about the progress made for the incident, and also send e-mail notifications if applicable. This type of field is not displayed until the record is created. (See Status Fields.)

Associated Files or Links

If enabled for the current entity, an Associated Files field allows users to upload file attachments, links to files in another location (e.g., a document management website) or link to another record in XFRACAS. This type of field is not displayed until the record is created. (See Attachments.)

Repairing or Replacing Parts

The Repair or Replace Parts feature allows you to list all the parts that were repaired, replaced, removed or found to be failed due to the incident (if any). If you are extracting data to Weibull++, ALTA or RGA, this is used to obtain failure and suspension times based on part number. (See Repairing and Replacing Parts.)

Assigning an Incident to a Problem

The Assigned to Problem # field in the incident summary links to any problems that the incident is associated with.

Click Create New Problem, , to create a new problem record and automatically assign the incident at the same time.

Click Assign/Remove Problem, , to assign the incident to an existing problem or change the problem(s) that the incident is currently assigned to.

Closing an Incident

Depending on the settings for the current entity, the incident's State field may contain one or multiple options to indicate that an incident is closed (e.g., "Closed," "Closed - Insufficient Data," etc.).

You may not be able to close an incident until all associated actions are completed and/or all associated failure analysis reports are closed.

The incident may be "read-only" after it is closed. When that preference is enabled, only users with specific permissions will be able to re-open a closed incident.

Tip: If the incident pertains to a serialized system that you are also tracking via the Customer Support page, we recommend to update the System Status (e.g., "Running," "Down - Waiting on Part," etc.) before you close the incident. The system status displayed in the CSI page will be based on all incidents reported for that serialized system.


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