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Portal Preferences

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The XFRACAS Portal displays announcements and tasks that are relevant to you. The display depends on your Portal Preferences. If your implementation has more than one entity, the display may also depend on which entity is currently selected from the list at the top of the page.

To access the portal, choose Home > Portal > XFRACAS.


For each announcement, an icon indicates whether it is public    or private  .

Edit Announcements opens a page where you can create, edit or delete announcements that you have permission to manage. (See Announcements.)

Announcements History displays a list of all your public and private announcements, including any that are "expired" (i.e., today's date does not fall in the range of dates when the announcement was configured to start and stop displaying).


For each type of task, the quantity in parentheses shows the total number of items that are eligible to show in your portal. The table will display some or all of those items, depending on the Portal Preferences. To view all records in the Report Results page, click the quantity link.

Tip: If applicable, a label above the table also indicates how many of those tasks are "due" and their dates will be highlighted in red. A task is "due" if the date falls within the offset specified by an application admin for that type of record. For example, if the offset for incidents is 15 days, an incident will be "due" if today's date is => 15 days after the occurrence date.


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