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Failure Review Boards

Depending on the configurable settings for the entity, any of the steps 2 through 8 in the Problem page may allow or require review and sign-off by a Failure Review Board (FRB).


Review a Step Assigned to You

If your name is in the list, you can select the Yes or No option to indicate your approval or disapproval of the decision to close the current step.

If you reject closure, you will be prompted to specify the reason and a "Rejected" label will be displayed. Any user can point to or click this label to see the reason specified.

Assign Reviewers to a Step

To assign or remove members of the FRB, click the Edit Reviewer List link.

The Available Reviewers List (left) shows XFRACAS users who belong to the approver category for this step, and the Selected Reviewers List (right) shows the users assigned to the FRB for this problem.  You can double-click a name in one list to move it to the other list or select one or more names and use the arrow buttons to move them. To select multiple items, hold down the CTRL key and click the names.

Depending on the configurable settings, the reviewers may be required to sign off in the order in which they're listed. To move a reviewer up or down in the list, select the name and click (+) or (-).

If you remove a reviewer who has already been saved for the step, you will be prompted to provide a reason. Click View Reviewer History to see a list of all reviewers who have been removed.


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