Related Topics:


Links Panel


Portal Preferences

Use the Portal Preferences page to customize which items are displayed in your XFRACAS Portal and Links panel.

If you have permission to edit portal preferences, you can click the icon in the Tasks section of the portal or choose Options > Settings > Portal Preferences.

Default vs. Saved Preferences

The default portal preferences are managed separately for each entity. If you have not saved changes to your own personal portal preferences, your portal will use the default settings for the entity that you are currently viewing, and those settings may be different in each entity.

Alternatively, if you choose to save your own personal portal preferences, they will be the same for any entity that you view. To do this, make the desired changes in the Portal Preferences page and then choose Options > Portal Preferences > Save.

Tip: If you have the "Portal - Set Default Portal Preferences" permission for the entity that you are currently viewing, Save as application default will display at the top of the page. If this check box is selected when you click Save, the changes will be saved as the defaults for that entity and also saved as your own personal preferences for all entities.

To return to using the defaults for each entity, choose Options > Portal Preferences > Load Application Defaults.

Show All, None or Show Only

For links, announcements and each type of task, you can choose from the following options:

Display Order

For each type of task, the Display Order sets the order in which that section will display on the portal page.

To hide sections for task types that do not contain any items, set Display Empty Portal Sections to "Yes."

Display My Entities

The Display My Entities option is relevant if you have access to more than one entity.

Display My Report on Load

You have the option to run your own custom report when the XFRACAS Portal page loads. To enable this feature, set Display My Portal On Load to "On" and use the drop-down to select any of the saved templates from your list of "My Reports."

The Interval field determines how frequently the report runs. If set to 0, the report will run each time you load the portal page. If the interval is greater than 0, the report will run only if it has been at least that many hours since the last time the report ran. For example, if you want the report to run no more than once a day, set the interval to 24 hours.


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