Home > Getting Started > New in Version 11: Weibull++ and ALTA
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Here’s a quick overview of the main new and improved features in Weibull++ and ALTA Version 11.
The full set of design of experiments (DOE) folios and tools that were available in ReliaSoft's DOE++ software are now integrated directly into Weibull++ and ALTA. DOEs can help you identify key factors that affect performance, compare different designs, identify the relationship between key factors and output, improve robustness of a product or process, and more.
Version 11 brings an updated look to spreadsheets, and improved speed performance when opening, calculating and plotting data folios.
Version 11 brings enhancements to the Project Manager and Project Explorer to make it even easier to browse or search for a particular project or analysis folio.
Project Filter
The project filter now gives the option to select specific projects (instead of only filtering by specific criteria such as "Project Owner"). If you’re working in an enterprise repository with many projects, this makes it easier for you to quickly access the specific projects of interest to you.
Minimize Visual Clutter
We've added a new option in the Application Setup to hide empty or unused folders in the Project Explorer.
Improved Folder Organization
In Weibull++/ALTA and RGA, the folders in the Project Explorer are now arranged by analysis type, making it easier to find and keep related analyses all in the same folder.
When applicable, plots in Weibull++/ALTA allow you to display a target marker on the plot to highlight the reliability or unreliability value of interest. In Version 11, you can now display up to 5 target markers.
Weibull++'s built-in diagram feature allows you to create reliability block diagrams (RBDs) using blocks that are linked to analyzed Weibull++/ALTA data folios.
Now in Version 11, you can send RBDs built in Weibull++ to BlockSim. The process exports the blocks into a new BlockSim simulation diagram, allowing you to perform system reliability, availability, maintainability and related analyses.
The destructive degradation analysis folio allows you to analyze degradation data obtained from tests that destroy the specimen or alter its subsequent performance (e.g., test corrosion in a chemical container, strength measurement of adhesive bond). The result is then used to predict a product's future failure behavior.
In Version 11, ALTA now includes an accelerated destructive degradation analysis folio, which allows you to capture data from units subjected to accelerated stress levels. The elevated stress conditions cause the units to degrade more quickly, reducing the test time required to obtain data.
In ALTA life-stress data folios, you can now estimate the mean remaining life, which is the expected survival time of a product given that the product has survived to time t at the specified stress level. You can perform the calculations via the Quick Calculation Pad (QCP), as well as create a plot of the data.
Folios and diagrams are always saved upon calculation or close. With the new Auto Save setting in the Application Setup, you can now also save periodically while you're editing. This, combined with the Save Diagram command in Weibull++'s built-in diagram feature, helps safeguard your work in the event of network instability.
When you use the cumulative damage model in ALTA PRO, you can use stress profiles to describe testing conditions where the stress varies with time (e.g., step-stress, ramp-stress, etc.).
Stress Profiles as Resources
In Version 11, stress profiles are now resources that can be shared between analyses.
Import Data from nCode GlyphWorks
In addition, you can now import nCode GlyphWorks time series data (*.S3T files) for use as stress profile data in ALTA.
Data sheets in Weibull++ life data and ALTA life-stress data folios include a Subset ID column for logging comments and other pertinent information about the data. In Version 11, you can now have more than 2 Subset ID columns in a data sheet. This allows you to record more notes about specific data points, such as how an item failed, what tests where run, etc.
For ALTA spreadsheets and Synthesis workbooks, the Function Wizard offers two new functions for use with the general log-linear (GLL) model: STRESSNAME returns the name for a given stress, and STRESSTRANSFORM returns the stress transformation for a given stress.
If your organization chooses to implement a web-based Synthesis Enterprise Portal (SEP) for an enterprise database, the entire team – including managers and colleagues who don't have Synthesis desktop applications installed – will be able to access key analysis and project management details from any web-enabled device.
In Version 11, the SEP has a fresh new look with responsive design for better performance on mobile devices and more control for quickly accessing the information that’s of interest to you. The website provides at-a-glance summaries of the project plans, actions, messages, metrics, dashboards and reports that you need to stay on top of, and makes it easy to drill down for more detail. It also allows users throughout your organization to view the FMEAs and published reports created in ReliaSoft’s Xfmea/RCM++/RBI without having the desktop application installed.
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