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ReliaSoft's Xfmea 9 facilitates analysis, data management and reporting for all types of Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), including design FMEAs (DFMEAs), process FMEAs (PFMEAs), criticality analyses (FMECAs) and others. The software also provides built-in utilities for related analyses, such as FMEA Block diagrams (also called boundary diagrams), design verification plans (DVP&Rs), process flow diagrams (PFDs), process control plans (PCPs) and design reviews based on failure mode (DRBFMs). Xfmea provides predefined settings to fit the major industry standards for FMEA (such as AIAG, SAE J1739 and MIL-STD-1629A) and also provides extensive customization options to fit your particular analysis and reporting needs.

Xfmea has been integrated into the ground-breaking new Synthesis Platform®, which offers reliability practitioners the best of both worlds: analysis tools that are optimized to fully meet the individual user's needs for a particular set of reliability engineering methodologies, plus integration into a shared repository (database) that is accessible by multiple users throughout the organization and facilitates integration between all Synthesis applications. This powerful new platform makes it feasible to more effectively leverage and integrate the information from different types of reliability activities throughout the organization.

This help file provides a wealth of information to help you learn how to use the software to its maximum potential. Before starting we recommend reading the following topics:


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