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License Registration and Activation

This topic provides basic instructions for activating and deactivating Synthesis desktop applications.

Activating Synthesis Applications

Activation is a required process that associates your ReliaSoft products with the computer(s) on which they're installed. If the computer has an active Internet connection and your firewall allows the software to access the secure ReliaSoft License Server, only a few simple steps are required:

  1. The first time you launch an application, the activation wizard will appear. On the first page, select whether you want to activate a license or request a free demo license.

  1. On the next page, enter a valid e-mail address to serve as your ReliaSoft ID. This is the e-mail address where you will receive confirmation e-mails from the ReliaSoft License Server. It will also identify all of the products registered to you.

  1. On the next page, you will be prompted to enter the product license key provided by ReliaSoft. Tip: If you are able to copy the key from a product delivery e-mail, the Paste icon saves time by automatically entering each section into the appropriate input box.

  1. When you see the "Your product has been activated” message, click Finish to start using the software.

If the computer does not have an active Internet connection, or if you encounter issues with the firewall, there are other ways to complete the activation. Please visit for details. And, of course, you can always contact ReliaSoft for assistance (

Important Note for Concurrent Network Licenses

This type of license requires that you provide/allow Internet access from the application to the ReliaSoft License Server at whenever you use the application. You may need to adjust your Internet and/or firewall settings and/or set the server as a trusted location in order to use the application. To determine whether your computer will be able to connect with the ReliaSoft License Server each time you use the application, you can download a test application from

Deactivating Synthesis Applications

Unless you have an Unlimited User License, there will be a limit to the number of computers and users for which a Synthesis application can be activated at the same time with the same license key. (To review these limits for different license types, see  

Therefore, if you do not plan to continue to use a Synthesis application on a particular computer (or for a particular user), it is very important to deactivate it. The License Server will prohibit future activations that would exceed the license key's limits. If you do not free up activations that are no longer being used, the license may be unavailable for later activation on other computers and/or for other users.

For example, a Standard Network License permits each named user to activate the application on one computer at any given time. If you need to change computers, you must deactivate from the old computer before you will be able to activate on the new one.

There are three ways to deactivate Synthesis applications:

  1. Upon Uninstall: When you uninstall Synthesis, you will be prompted to deactivate all applications for all users on that computer. If you are not able to complete the deactivation at that time (e.g., because you do not have a network connection to ReliaSoft's License Server), you will need to contact ReliaSoft Technical Support for assistance.

  2. Deactivation Without Uninstall:

  3. Contact ReliaSoft: If you were unable to deactivate during the uninstall, or if you did not uninstall and no longer have access to the computer, you will need to contact ReliaSoft Technical Support for assistance.


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