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Test Design Tab

The Test Design tab is visible when you view any of the Test Design tools. Depending on which utility you view, the following commands may be available.

Reliability Demonstration Test

  Calculate implements the selected test design method based on the inputs you provided.

  Get Distribution allows you to update the shape parameter and demonstrated time in the RDT sheet based on data from an existing Weibull++ standard folio in the current project.

  Show RDT Table is available only for the Parametric Binomial test design method. This command creates a parametric binomial table and plot based on the target metric and life distribution that you specified on the RDT sheet.

  Show Bayesian Systems is available when you choose the Non-Parametric Bayesian test design method and the source of prior information is from "Prior tests at the subsystem level." This command opens the Edit Bayesian Subsystems window, which allows you to edit the number of units and number of failures for each subsystem for which you have prior information.

RDT Table

  Calculate generates the RDT table based on the sample size and number of failures that you specify on the control panel.

  Plot creates a plot in the folio that depicts how the allowed number of failures influences the test time and the required sample size.

Expected Failure Time

  Get Failure Model allows you to update the expected failure model (i.e., parameters and time) based on data from an existing Weibull++ standard folio in the current project.

Detection Matrix

  Calculate validates your inputs and generates the matrix.

  Send to Excel exports the matrix to a new Excel spreadsheet.

  Change Matrix Color allows you to choose a new base color for the matrix. The selected color will be used to indicate the shortest test time and darker values of the color will be used to indicate longer test times.


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