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Degradation Tab

The Degradation tab is visible when you view either a Weibull++ or ALTA degradation folio data sheet for degradation analysis.


  Calculate extrapolates the times at which the degradation will reach the critical degradation level—i.e., the times at which the degradation is serious enough that the unit is considered to be failed.

  Plot creates a new sheet in the folio that provides a choice of applicable plot types. This includes the degradation vs. time plot, which displays the degradation of each unit over time.

  Quick Calculation Pad opens the Quick Calculation Pad, which allows you to calculate results identical to the calculations you can perform in a Weibull++ standard folio QCP or an ALTA standard folio QCP.

  Model Wizard opens the Degradation Model Wizard, which helps you select the degradation model that best fits your data.

  Distribution Wizard opens the Distribution Wizard, which helps you select the distribution that best fits the data set based on the chosen parameter estimation method (i.e., RRX or RRY). In the degradation folio, the ranking in the Distribution Wizard is based on the life data model.

Transfer Life Data

  Transfer Life Data to New Folio allows you to transfer the extrapolated failure and suspension times to a new standard folio.

  Transfer Life Data to Selected Folio allows you to transfer the extrapolated failure and suspension times to an existing standard folio.

Note: If you are using an ALTA degradation folio, the icons show the ALTA version.


  Publish Model allows you to use the results of the degradation analysis as a resource object and make it available for unlimited use anywhere within the project, in any Synthesis application that has a need for that type of object. 

Format and View

  Override Plot Color opens the Override Plot Color window, which allows you to ignore the default colors of the plotted line and points, and apply a color that you specify. This setting is activated in the source data sheet of the plot. This means that when you enable the setting for a particular data sheet, it applies only to the plots that you create for that data sheet and not the plots for all other data sheets that may be within the same folio. Note that only the colors of the lines and points are affected. Other settings such as the line style and thickness, or the point size and shape are based on the settings that you have specified in the Plot Items page of the Plot Setup window.


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