
Home > Weibull++ Standard Folio > Quick Calculation Pad (QCP)

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Weibull++ Standard Folio

Quick Calculation Pad (QCP)

The Quick Calculation Pad (QCP) provides a convenient way of calculating a variety of useful metrics. To access the tool, click the QCP icon on the Main page of the control panel.

This topic provides a general description of the QCP and how to use it in most analyses. For more focused information about the types of calculations that can be performed for a particular analysis, you can go directly to the topic of interest.

How to Use the QCP

To use the QCP, do the following:

Confidence bounds

If you select Both One-Sided, the QCP will calculate both the lower one-sided bound and the upper one-sided bound.

Note: Confidence bounds calculation options are disabled when the underlying data type is free-form data.

QCP with Captions on
QCP window with captions on.

QCP with Captions off
QCP window with captions off.

Under the log display, you can also click Feed to "advance the tape" or Clear to delete all data from the current log. If you click inside the log, you can copy some or all of the text to the Clipboard.


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