Related Topics:


Growth Data Tab

The Growth Data tab is visible when you view a standard folio data sheet.


  Calculate estimates the parameters of the selected model and analysis method, based on the current data set and the specified analysis settings.

  Plot creates a new sheet in the folio that provides a choice of applicable plot types.

  Quick Calculation Pad opens the Quick Calculation Pad, which allows you to calculate results, such as the cumulative MTBF and the expected number of failures, based on the analyzed data sheet.

  Statistical Tests performs statistical tests on the active data set and displays the results in the Results Panel. These tests may include the Chi-Squared, Cramér-von Mises, Laplace Trend and Common Beta Hypothesis tests, depending on the data type.

  Event Report opens an Event Report for the current analysis in the Results Window. The Event Report gives information on individual failure modes. Event Reports are available for all multi-phase data types and for the Multiple Systems with Event Codes data type.

Crow Extended

  Effectiveness Factors opens the Effectiveness Factors window, which allows you to define the effectiveness factors for each BD mode to estimate the fractional decrease in failure intensity. This command is available only if the data sheet contains Projections columns.

   Convert Modes opens the Convert Modes window, which allows you to convert any classification and mode in the data set to another classification and mode.

  Mode Processing opens the Mode Processing window where you can extract the first failure time for each unique BC mode and/or unique BD mode in a data set.

  Test for Fix Effectiveness opens the Test for Fix Effectiveness utility, which allows you to assess whether or not corrective actions have been effective across phases. This command is available for all multi-phase data types, for the Multiple Systems with Event Codes data type and for any data set analyzed using Change of Slope calculations.

Advanced Systems

  Edit Systems

  System Results


  Alter Parameters opens the Alter Parameters window, which allows you to alter the values of the corresponding calculated parameters. No recalculation is performed. This command is available for any data set calculated using any model except the Crow Extended and Crow Extended - Continuous Evaluation. Furthermore, for data sets calculated with the Crow-AMSAA (NHPP) model, this functionality is not available for Change of Slope calculations.

  Auto Group Data opens the Auto Group Data window, which allows you to specify intervals to group the data in the current data sheet. This command is available only for the Failure Times, Multi-Phase Failure Times and Fleet data types.

  Interval GOF opens the Interval Goodness-of-Fit Test window, which allows you to evaluate the model's fit to the combined equivalent system (for developmental data) or superposition system (for fielded systems data) and, if necessary, omit individual systems from the combined analysis. This command is available for the following data types: Multiple Systems - Concurrent Operating Times, Multiple Systems with Dates, Multiple Systems with Event Codes, Repairable Systems and Fleet.

  Batch Auto Run opens the Batch Auto Run window, which allows you to quickly extract data subset(s) from an existing data set. This command is available only for the Multiple Systems - Concurrent Operating Times, Multiple Systems with Dates, Multiple Systems with Event Codes, Repairable Systems, Fleet, Multi-Phase Failure Times, Multi-Phase Mixed Data and Multi-Phase Grouped Failure Times data types.

   Link Mission Profile allows you to select a Mission Profile in the project that you want to group the data sheet by. The data in the data sheet will be transferred to a new data sheet in the folio and grouped according to the specified Mission Profile. This command is available only for the Failure Times data type.

Folio Sheets

  Insert Data Sheet inserts a new blank data sheet into the currently active folio and opens the RGA Folio Data Sheet Setup window, which allows you to select what types of data to include in the new data sheet.

  Insert Additional Plot Sheet inserts an overlay plot in the currently active folio. This allows you to display in a single plot results from multiple data sheets within the folio. This provides an easy visual method to compare analyses. For example, you may wish to show the reliability plots of two product designs in the same plot.

  Insert General Spreadsheet inserts a new blank general spreadsheet into the currently active folio.

   Delete Sheet deletes the current sheet within the folio.

  Move or Copy Sheet opens the Move/Copy window, which allows you to move or copy any of the sheets within the currently active folio. Select the sheet that you wish to move and then click (move to end) to move the selected sheet to the end of all the sheets in the folio. Select Create a Copy to create a copy of the selected sheet.

   Select Sheet opens the Select Sheet window, which allows you to select which sheet in the current folio you want to be active.

Format & View

   Insert Columns allows you to insert additional columns into a standard folio data sheet. The types of columns available for insertion vary depending on the data type.

   Delete Columns allows you to delete columns from a standard folio data sheet. The types of columns that can be deleted vary depending on the data type.

  Set Headers as Default sets the column headers in the currently active data sheet as the default headers for all Weibull++ standard folio data sheets with the same data type (i.e., times-to-failure or free-form data).

  Apply Default Headers uses the default column headers for the columns of the currently active data sheet.

   Switch to Normal View/Switch to Advanced Systems View allows you to toggle between systems views for data types with multiple systems. The Advanced Systems View displays the data one system at a time and provides a navigation panel to select which system you wish to view. This view allows you to view the calculated results for each system individually and for the "equivalent" system (for reliability growth analyses) or the "superposition" system (for fielded systems analyses). In addition, this view gives you the ability to remove individual systems from consideration in a particular analysis. The Normal View displays the data for multiple systems all together in the same data sheet.

Transfer Data

   Transfer to New Data Type opens the Transfer to New Data Type window, which allows you to select a data type into which you would like to transfer the data. This command is available only for the Multiple Systems - Concurrent Operating Times, Multiple Systems with Dates, Multiple Systems with Event Codes, Repairable Systems and Fleet data types.

   Transfer to Weibull++ opens the Transfer to Weibull++ window, which allows you to create a new Weibull++ data set or transfer the current RGA data set to a standard folio in Weibull++. Weibull++ is ReliaSoft's life data analysis software and this command is available only if the software is installed on your computer. Please note that you can activate Weibull++ only after the parameters have been calculated.


  Publish Model allows you to use the results of the growth analysis as a resource object and make it available for unlimited use elsewhere within the project, in any Synthesis application that has a need for that type of object.


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