The Task Properties window allows you to view/edit all of the properties for a particular maintenance task.
To add a new task for a zonal or L/HIRF analysis, choose Zones > Tasks > Add Task.
To view or edit the properties of an existing task, select the task and choose Zones > Tasks > Edit Task.
The following properties are available for tasks that are recommended based on a standard zonal analysis, enhanced zonal analysis or L/HIRF analysis for a particular zone:
Together, the Group # and # fields form the unique identification number for the task. You have the option to organize tasks into up to ten groups, and when you select a group number from the drop-down list, the # field will be set automatically to the next number in the sequence for the selected group. For example, if the new task belongs to Group 3 and two other tasks have already been created for Group 3, the unique identification number for the new task will be Group 3, Task 3. If you do not want to organize tasks by group, you can simply accept the default group number for all new tasks (which is set in the MPC Application Setup).
The Task Type field allows you to specify the type of maintenance task by choosing from a drop-down list. This cannot be changed after you have saved the task. Note that although the options in the drop-down list are determined by the requirements of the ATA guidelines, the abbreviations can be modified, if desired. (See Task Type Abbreviations in MPC.)
The Task Title field allows you to provide more information about the task.
For enhanced zonal analysis and L/HIRF analysis only, If no other tasks have been defined for the current analysis, the No Task Selected (NTS) option will appear at the bottom of the drop-down list. When you select this option, all of the task properties (except the Task Description field) will be disabled. You will not be able to add any other maintenance tasks for this analysis without first deleting the NTS record.
The Task Description field allows you to provide more information about what the task is designed to do. Note that if the Task Type is "No Task Selected" then the field becomes a drop-down list where you can select an option that explains why no task has been selected for this analysis.
Initial Info
For Interval Type:
Select Fixed (Numerical) if you want to the interval to be recorded as a number with an associated time unit (e.g., 2000 flight hours can be stored as value=2000 and time unit = FHr). Numbers may be easier to sort.
Select Based on Events (Text) if you want the interval to be stored in a text field, which can contain any combination of letters or numbers (e.g., “Per Mfr Recommendation”).
For Interval:
If you choose to enter a number, the field will be split into two sections so you can enter the time and then select the time units from the drop-down list. The options in the drop-down list can be modified. (See Time and Usage Units.)
If you choose to store the interval as text, you can type up to 100 characters into the field.
The Zonal group is available only with enhanced zonal analysis or L/HIRF analysis.
ZIP Candidate allows you to select (Yes or No) whether the task should be considered for transfer into the zonal inspection plan (ZIP). This field is enabled only if the task type is "General Visual Inspection (GVI)". These tasks will be available for the Transfer Zonal Candidate Tasks feature in a standard zonal analysis.
Use the Manual Reference field to record additional information about the task, such as where in your maintenance procedures the task is described.
Use the Effectivity field to record additional information about the task, such as how effective the task is designed to be when performed.
Use the Access field to record the type of access that will be required in order to perform the task.
Use the Procedure field to record additional information about the procedure used to complete the task.
Use the Remarks field to record additional information about the task.
History provides information about when the record was created and last updated. If the history log has been activated at the project level, you can click the View Item History icon to open the Record History Log for the record.
Watch allows each individual user to subscribe to receive an alert (via e-mail, SMS text message or portal message) when the resource is changed.
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