The Settings page allows you to set your preferences for certain MPC features.
Show working group stamp window upon open shows the Working Group Stamp window each time you open a database.
Flag parts with 'yes' answer(s) for MSI questions displays a visual indicator in the system hierarchy if the part has at least one 'Yes' answer to any of the MSI selection questions.
Include tasks when pasting functions, failures, causes includes associated tasks when you copy and paste records in the F-F-E-C tab for an aircraft systems and powerplant analysis.
Show tasks in F-F-E-C tab shows tasks in the F-F-E-C tab for an aircraft systems and powerplant analysis (in addition to the Task Selection window).
Default task group number sets the default 'Group #' for each new task that you create. You can change this number for any given task by editing the task properties.
This option specifies how MSI and SSI numbers will be displayed in reports (condensed or extended). (See Managing ATA Chapters.)
For example, System = 26, Subsystem =20 and Sub-Subsystem = 21 can be displayed as 262100 (condensed) or 262021 (extended).
Sets the default levels shown in the system hierarchy and F-F-E-C hierarchy. You can choose to expand all branches, or collapse the branches under a specified level.
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