Related Topics and Links:

System Item Properties

Structural Item Properties

Zonal Item Properties

Working Group Stamps

A working group stamp will be stored for every item in the system, structural or zonal-L/HIRF hierarchy. It is intended to contain information about the most recent working group that performed analysis for that item and the date of the last update. This information will be displayed in the Properties tab.

Tip: The working group stamp can be modified by the user and therefore it may not reflect the actual history of when the items were last edited in the database. For that purpose, use the History properties that are recorded automatically (and individually) for every hierarchy item and every record in the F-F-E-C.

The following picture shows how the working group information is displayed in the Properties tab for a selected hierarchy item.

There are two ways to update the working group stamps that are stored for individual items:

Regardless of whether you are editing the Current Session Working Group Stamp or the Current Item Working Group Stamp, the properties are the same:

Current Session Working Group Stamp - Automatic Updates

If the Show working group stamp window upon open option is selected in the MPC Application Setup, then each time you create or open a database in MPC, you will be prompted to define the working group stamp for the current session.

By default, the Current Session Working Group Stamp window will contain the information that was defined the last time you used MPC on this computer. You can make any changes that may be appropriate for the current session and then these properties will be applied automatically to any hierarchy item that you add or edit while that stamp is active. The automatic update will be triggered by any change to the item properties.

If the option is not selected, the information stored in the "Working Group Info" section will be the same as that from the last time the information was updated. Note that if you update a record, the Analyst and Data fields will be updated, regardless of this option's setting.

Tip: If you want to change the stamp for the current session without closing and reopening the database, simply choose Home > Working Group > Current Session Stamp. The new properties will then be applied automatically to any hierarchy item that you edit after the new stamp became active.

Current Item Working Group Stamp - Manual Updates

You also have the option to manually change the working group stamp that has been recorded for any hierarchy item. Select the item then click the Edit icon next to the Working Group Info header in the Properties tab.


The Current Item Working Group Stamp window displays the properties that are currently recorded for the selected item. The Apply changes to area at the bottom of the window allows you to specify which items in the project should have the same change.


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