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View Tab

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The View tab contains commands related to configuring the layout of the application's interface.


  Refresh refreshes the display in the Project window. If multiple users are accessing the same project simultaneously, this command will refresh your screen with any changes made by other users. When you make a change to the project, your window will be refreshed automatically.

Project Manager

  Show Project Manager brings the Project Manager into focus. If the Project Manager is unpinned and hidden, choosing this command will display it.

  Tile Project Manager tiles the project list and current project explorer so they are both displayed simultaneously in the Project Manager panel. This command is not available in Xfmea, RCM++, RBI or MPC.

  Dock Project Manager opens a submenu that allows you to choose the desired position for the Project Manager: Dock Left, Dock Right, Dock Top, Dock Bottom or Floating.

My Portal

  Show My Portal opens the My Portal window, which provides information relevant to your work within the database, such as messages from other users, recommended actions for a particular project item, status of other users logged in to the database and other information.  

  Tile My Portal tiles the Messages, Actions, Users, and Reliability Web Notes pages so they are all displayed simultaneously within the My Portal panel.

  Dock My Portal opens a submenu that allows you to choose the desired position for the Portal: Dock Left, Dock Right, Dock Top, Dock Bottom or Floating.

Workspace Layout

The commands in this group are available only in Xfmea, RCM++, RBI, MPC and Lambda Predict.

  Change Orientation toggles between the two possible orientations for the System panel and the Analysis/Properties panel. These panels can be side-by-side or one on top of the other.

  Hide System [Panel/Hierarchy] hides the System panel in the Project window. When you want to show the panel again, choose View > Workspace Layout > Split Panels.

   Hide [Analysis Panel/Properties] hides the Analysis/Properties panel in the Project window. When you want to show the panel again, choose View > Workspace Layout > Split Panels.

   Split Panels splits the Project window into two equal panels, with 50% of the available space used for the System panel and 50% of the available space used for the Analysis/Properties panel.

   Properties View. These commands are available only in Lambda Predict.


The commands in this group are available only in Xfmea, RCM++, RBI, MPC and Lambda Predict.

   Expand Tree expands the hierarchy to show all items/records. In Lambda Predict, this applies to both the System panel and to the Properties panel. In Xfmea, RCM++, RBI and MPC, this command is available when the System panel or when the FMEA hierarchy view (in Xfmea, RCM++ or RBI) or the F-F-E-C hierarchy view (in MPC) in the Analysis panel has focus.

  Collapse Tree collapses the hierarchy to hide all items/records except the top level. In Lambda Predict this affects all items in the System panel except standard items (i.e., , , , , or ) or collapses all records in the Properties panel to their headings. In Xfmea, RCM++, RBI and MPC, this command is available when the System panel or when the FMEA hierarchy view (in Xfmea, RCM++ or RBI) or the F-F-E-C hierarchy view (in MPC) in the Analysis panel has focus.

   Expand Node expands the hierarchy to show all items/records in the existing branch. In Lambda Predict, the affects all items under a selected block/standard item or all the records under a selected Properties heading. In Xfmea, RCM++, RBI and MPC, this command is available when the System panel or when the FMEA hierarchy view (in Xfmea, RCM++ or RBI) or the F-F-E-C hierarchy view (in MPC) in the Analysis panel has focus.

   Collapse Node collapses the hierarchy to hide all items/records except the top level item/record in the branch. In Lambda Predict, this hides all items under a selected block/standard item or all records under a selected Properties heading. In Xfmea, RCM++, RBI and MPC, this command is available when the System panel or when the FMEA hierarchy view (in Xfmea, RCM++ or RBI) or the F-F-E-C hierarchy view (in MPC) in the Analysis panel has focus.

  Collapse to Level collapses the hierarchy to the level of the record that is currently selected. In Xfmea, RCM++, RBI and MPC, this command is available when the System panel or when the FMEA hierarchy view (in Xfmea, RCM++ or RBI) or the F-F-E-C hierarchy view (in MPC) in the Analysis panel has focus. For example, if you have selected a cause in the FMEA hierarchy view and choose this command, all branches in the FMEA hierarchy view will be collapsed to the cause level and the nodes for controls and actions will be hidden.


  Normal Zoom sets the degree of magnification to 100%.

  Zoom In increases the degree of magnification.

  Zoom Out decreases the degree of magnification.

  Custom Zoom allows you to specify the degree of magnification.


  Use Tabbed MDI maximizes the windows to fill the full space available in the MDI and shows a tab for each open window. If you clear this command, the open windows will be displayed as separate windows that can be resized and moved around within the MDI.



The commands in this group are available only in BlockSim. (See Failure Modes and Reliability Analysis (FMRA) in the BlockSim documentation.)

  Show FMRA opens the FMRA view, which displays the FMRA (failures modes and reliability analysis) hierarchy that is associated with the project.

  Disassociate FMRA deletes all of the diagrams and blocks associated with the current FMRA hierarchy and closes the FMRA view.


The commands in this group are available only in Xfmea, RCM++ and RBI.

  Show FMRA enables/disables the FMRA tab in the System panel.

  Show Test Plan opens the Test Plan tab in the analysis panel, which displays a list of actions that describe specific tests that need to be performed. (See the Test Plans topic in the Xfmea/RCM++/RBI documentation.)


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