You can use the Dashboard Layout Designer to create or edit each predefined dashboard layout. (In a secure database, this is available only for users with the "Manage dashboard layouts" permissions.)
To access this window, first open the Dashboard Layout Manager and then choose to either create a new layout or edit an existing one.
Each dashboard layout is designed to be used with a specific data type, which determines which fields are available and where the dashboard can be viewed. For information about creating dashboards for each particular type of data, see:
Simulation Diagram Dashboards (in the BlockSim/RENO documentation)
FMEA Dashboards (in the Xfmea/RCM++/RBI documentation)
Synthesis Data Warehouse (SDW) Dashboards (available in Weibull++/ALTA and RGA)
The following topics discuss some basic techniques for creating and editing dashboard layouts that can be applied for any data type. This includes:
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