Related Topics:

Diagram Skins

Block Style Window

Connector Style Window

Diagram Style Window

The Diagram Style window allows you to customize the appearance of the current diagram and all components within it and to set the default properties for new items added to the diagram. These default settings are used for all new blocks added to the diagram; in addition, if you change the block and/or connector settings in the Diagram Style window, the changes will be applied to all blocks and/or connectors that are using the diagram defaults (i.e., all blocks and/or connectors that do not have customized settings).

For selected blocks (either singly or multiply selected), you can use the Block Style window to customize one or more properties. For selected connectors, you can use the Connector Style window to customize one or more properties.

To access the Diagram Style window, choose Format > Styles > Diagram Style.

The Diagram Style window consists of multiple pages that are accessible by clicking the page names in the navigation panel on the left side of the window; the number and type of pages depend on the type of diagram that you are working with.

You can save your settings in the Diagram Style window as a skin so that you can reuse them quickly and easily.


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