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Analysis Tab

The Analysis tab is visible when you are working with an analytical diagram.


  Analyze analyzes the relationships of the components in the diagram and puts the reliability-wise configuration into a mathematical formula.

  Analytical Plot creates a plot based on the analysis results. Clicking Analytical Plot before the diagram has been analyzed will automatically perform the analysis and then plot the data.

  Analytical QCP opens the analytical Quick Calculation Pad (QCP). The QCP allows you to obtain reliability results based on the algebraic solution for the currently active diagram. Clicking the Analytical QCP icon before the diagram has been analyzed will automatically perform the analysis and then open the QCP.


  Show Algebraic Solution generates the algebraic solution for the diagram (i.e., a mathematical representation of the reliability-wise configuration of the diagram) and opens the Equation Viewer.

  Show Cut Sets opens the Cut Sets window, which allows you to determine what are all the unique combinations of component failures that can cause system failure.


  The Publish commands allow you to publish the diagram results as a model for use throughout the project, in any Synthesis application where models are used. Publish Analytical Model publishes the analytical solution of the diagram, which is essentially a direct reference to the diagram itself. Publish Fitted Model creates a model based on the distribution that has been fitted to the analyzed diagram, which is an approximation of the entire diagram and its subdiagrams. For more on publishing, refer to the Publishing Models topic.


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