
Home > DOE Design Folios > Design Folio > Design Folio

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Free Form Folio

Multiple Linear Regression Folio

One-Way ANOVA Folio

Measurement Systems Analysis

 Improving Product Reliability Using Design of Experiments

Design Folio

Weibull++/ALTA includes three kinds of folios for design of experiments:

To create a DOE folio, choose Insert > Designs then choose the folio type, or right-click the DOE folder in the current project explorer.

  Standard Design

  Robust Design

  Mixture Design

When the folio first appears, only the Design tab will be displayed, which allows you to configure an experiment design. After you have specified all of the settings on the Design tab, choose Design > General > Build Design or click the icon on the control panel.

This will create a second tab called Data that a) shows a “plan” for how the experiment needs to be performed and b) allows you to enter and analyze response data from an experiment that follows that plan. (If you want to change the experiment design settings after the Data tab has already been created, see Changing Design Settings.) After you analyze the data, a summary of results (including the factors that were found to be significant) will appear on the control panel.

Tip: This documentation assumes that you will first design an experiment, then perform it, and then enter and analyze the resulting data. However, if you already have data available from a prior experiment, you can also use the Design tab to build a design that reflects the prior experiment and then build the design so you can enter and analyze the results on the Data tab.

After you have entered the response information in the Data tab, you can choose Data > Analysis > Plot or click the icon on the control panel.

This will create a third tab called Analysis Plot that allows you to view all of the graphical plots that are relevant to the current analysis of the response data.

The information presented in the topics that follow describes interfaces and procedures that are common to all design types. To learn how to work with a specific design type, see one of the following topics:


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