Related Topics:

Alter Data Type

Add or Remove Columns

Convert Stress Values

The Convert Stress Values window is used to convert all the values entered in one of the stress columns of an ALTA standard folio data sheet. You can have the stress values multiplied or divided by a specified value, or you can convert temperature values that were entered in Celsius or Fahrenheit to one of the absolute scales supported by the software (i.e., Kelvin or Rankine).

Follow the steps outlined below:

Note: The software will always convert all of the values in a column. For example, if you select one cell and convert the contained value, all the other values in that column will be converted as well.

Tip: If you only have one subset ID column, and you want to move its information to a column that will not be overwritten when you select the Put current values in Subset ID check box, first use the Add or Remove Columns window to add a second subset ID column. Then paste the information from the first subset ID column to the new column. The software will only overwrite values in the first ID column.


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