
Home > Failure Modes and Reliability Analysis (FMRA) > FMRA Record Properties > FMRA Record Properties

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FMRA Record Properties

The Properties tab of the Analysis panel allows you to view and modify the properties of any record that is currently selected in the FMRA hierarchy.

Note: The fields that are enabled in the interface and the options available in configurable drop-down lists will depend on the interface style settings that have been defined for the current project. You can choose Project > Management > Configurable Settings > Interface Style to open the Edit Interface Style (This Project) window and change the settings for the current project.

Note: You cannot change the properties of any record used in an FMEA that is locked for editing by a change log. Records that are locked for this reason will be indicated by a locked FMEA icon in the User Access column of the FMRA.


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