
Home > FMEAs > FMEA Records > Failures (Functional Failures)

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Failures (Functional Failures)

To add a failure (typically called a functional failure in RCM analysis) to the FMEA, select the function with which it is associated and choose FMEA > FMEA Records > Failures.

To insert a new failure above the selected failure, choose FMEA > FMEA Records > Failures > Insert Failure. The new failure will be associated with the same function as the existing failure.

To edit an existing failure in the project, either edit it directly in the worksheet view or use the properties window. To open the properties window, select the failure and choose FMEA > FMEA Records > Failures > Edit Failure or double-click the failure in the hierarchy or filtered view.

Failure Properties Window

Note: The fields that are enabled in the interface and the options available in configurable drop-down lists will depend on the interface style settings that have been defined for the current project. You can choose Project > Management > Configurable Settings > Interface Style to open the Edit Interface Style (This Project) window and change the settings for the current project.

When adding a failure, in addition to the options common to all FMEA record properties windows, you will need to define the failure properties.

In the Failure area the following fields may be available:

The following fields will be available if they are enabled on the FMEA > Criticality page of the project's interface style. RCM++ will not fully validate these factors until you perform the criticality analysis.

Tip: If you need to define the reliability/maintainability characteristics for this record, use the FMRA tab. These characteristics will be applicable if you wish to perform criticality analysis, use the FMEA occurrence ratings to calculate a preliminary baseline estimate of the system reliability, share system configuration/reliability data between RCM++ and BlockSim or perform RCM cost/availability calculations.


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