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This Ribbon is available only when you are working in the FMEA tab in the Analysis panel with a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis.
Add Function adds a function to the FMEA. If you are working in the hierarchy view, the Function Properties window will open. If you are working in the worksheet view, a new cell will be added in the Function column.
Insert Function inserts a function above the function that is currently selected in the FMEA. If you are working in the hierarchy view, the Function Properties window will open. If you are working in the worksheet view, a new cell will be inserted in the Function column.
Import Functions allows you to query an existing data source and then select existing record(s) to import into the FMEA.
Edit Function opens the Function Properties window, which allows you to view and edit all of the properties of the function record.
Add Failure adds a failure mode to the FMEA. If you are working in the hierarchy view, the Failure Properties window will open. If you are working in the worksheet view, a new cell will be added in the Failure column.
Insert Failure inserts a failure mode above the failure mode that is currently selected in the FMEA. If you are working in the hierarchy view, the Failure Properties window will open. If you are working in the worksheet view, a new cell will be inserted in the Failure column.
Import Failures allows you to query an existing data source and then select existing record(s) to import into the FMEA.
Edit Failure opens the Failure Properties window, which allows you to view and edit all of the properties of the failure mode record.
Relationship Diagram opens the relationship diagram for the selected failure mode. If you have not yet created a diagram, it will be created automatically.
Add Effect adds an effect to the FMEA. If you are working in the hierarchy view, the Effect Properties window will open. If you are working in the worksheet view, a new cell will be added in the Effect column.
Insert Effect inserts an effect above the effect that is currently selected in the FMEA. If you are working in the hierarchy view, the Effect Properties window will open. If you are working in the worksheet view, a new cell will be inserted in the Effect column.
Import Effects allows you to query an existing data source and then select existing record(s) to import into the FMEA.
Edit Effect opens the Effect Properties window, which allows you to view and edit all of the properties of the effect record.
Effect Categorization opens the Failure Effect Categorization window, which allows you to identify and evaluate the effects of the functional failure.
Cause and Effect Diagram opens the cause and effect diagram (also called a "fishbone diagram") for the selected effect. If you have not yet created a diagram, it will be created automatically.
Add Cause adds a cause to the FMEA. If you are working in the hierarchy view, the Cause Properties window will open. If you are working in the worksheet view, a new cell will be added in the Cause column.
Insert Cause inserts a cause above the cause that is currently selected in the FMEA. If you are working in the hierarchy view, the Cause Properties window will open. If you are working in the worksheet view, a new cell will be inserted in the Cause column.
Import Causes allows you to query an existing data source and then select existing record(s) to import into the FMEA.
Edit Cause opens the Cause Properties window, which allows you to view and edit all of the properties of the cause record.
Reliability Policy
Set Policy Type allows you define which type of reliability policy the cause will use. The options are:
Define at this Level
Based on Initial Occurrence
Based on Revised Occurrence
Create New URD opens the Universal Reliability Definition window where you can set the cause's failure rate behavior.
View URD opens the Universal Reliability Definition window.
Apply Existing URD opens the Select Resource Window where you can pick an existing URD to apply to the cause.
Remove URD removes the URD from the cause.
Task Manager opens the Task Manager window, which allows you to work with tasks assigned to causes within the FMEA and to choose an appropriate maintenance strategy by using one or both of the available task selection methods.
Add Control adds a control to the FMEA. If you are working in the hierarchy view, the Control Properties window will open. If you are working in the worksheet view, a new cell will be added in the Control column.
Insert Control inserts a control above the control that is currently selected in the FMEA. If you are working in the hierarchy view, the Control Properties window will open. If you are working in the worksheet view, a new cell will be inserted in the Control column.
Add Existing Controls allows you to query an existing data source and then select existing record(s) to import into the FMEA.
Replace with Existing opens the Select Resource window where you can select an existing control.
Edit Control opens the Control Properties window, which allows you to view and edit all of the properties of the control record.
Add Action adds an action to the FMEA. If you are working in the hierarchy view, the Action window will open. If you are working in the worksheet view, a new cell will be added in the Action column.
Insert Action inserts an action above the action that is currently selected in the FMEA. If you are working in the hierarchy view, the Action window will open. If you are working in the worksheet view, a new cell will be inserted in the Action column.
Add Existing Actions allows you to query an existing data source and then select existing record(s) to import into the FMEA.
Replace with Existing opens the Select Resource window where you can select an existing action.
Edit Action opens the Action window, which allows you to view and edit all of the properties of the action record.
Attachments adds linked or attached files to the selected record.
Highlight Priority if selected, uses color to highlight the FMEA records based on logic that has been defined for the project. By default, the software will categorize issues as high (red), medium (yellow) or low (green) priority based on specified RPN thresholds. A user with the "Edit project properties or "Manage all projects" permission can customize this logic from the FMEA > RPNs page in the interface style.
Failure - Cause Matrix opens a window that displays the unique failure modes and causes that have been defined in the FMEA. This matrix helps to see when the same cause has been identified for more than one failure mode.
Properties Customization opens the Properties window where you can change the properties that are available for the FMEA records in this project.
FMEA Statistics opens a window that displays some overall statistics for the FMEA. This includes details such as the total number of causes defined in the analysis, the percentage of causes that have the RPN ratings defined, the total number of actions defined in the analysis, the percentage of actions that are complete, etc.
Export to Phrase Set
Export to a New FMEA Phrase Set allows you to export the descriptions from the current FMEA to a new phrase set in the active library. When prompted, type a name (required) and description (optional) for the new phrase set and click OK.
Export to an Existing FMEA Phrase Set allows you to export the descriptions from the current FMEA to an existing phrase set. When prompted, select a row in the list of phrase sets that exist in the active project and click OK.
Activate Change Log/View Change Log allows you to view or manage a change log for the FMEA. A change log records a history of the specific changes that were made in each tracked revision to the analysis since the log was activated.
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