
Home > Working in Synthesis > Security > Check In or Check Out Projects

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Check In or Check Out Projects

Synthesis applications allow multiple users to simultaneously access the database and cooperatively work on an analysis. However, on some occasions, you may need to exclusively work on one of the projects for an extended period of time, or work on the project on a computer that is not connected to the database network. In these cases, it is recommended that you use the Check In/Out feature.

When you check out a project, only you can modify the project while all other users will have read-only access to a copy of the project that shows the state of the project at the time it was checked out. The project cannot be edited by any other user unless you check in the project or undo the check out.

Check Out a Project

In a non-secure database, any user can check out a project. In a secure database, a user can check out a project if he/she a) is the project owner, b) has the “Lock or check out project” permission for the project or c) has the “Manage all projects” permission.

To check out a project, select the project in the Project Manager then choose Project > Management > Check In/Out > Check Out.

A copy of the project will be displayed in the Project Manager under the Checked Out heading. All users will have read-only access to that copy, which shows the state of the project at the time it was checked out. The purpose of this copy is to make other users aware that the project is checked out and give them limited access to the project information (e.g., to query, copy data, etc.) while you are editing the project “offline.” At the same time, an editable copy of the project will be saved in a "Checked Out" folder in your local drive.

Tip: You can edit the save location of the "Checked Out" folder via the Synthesis Setup window. Keep in mind that anyone who has access to the folder will have full access to the checked out project; however, only the user who has the project checked out will have the ability to check in the project.

To identify the user who currently has the project checked out, open the Project Properties window by choosing Project > Management > Edit Project Properties. The lower right side of the window will display a "Locked by" status, with the name of the user who has the project checked out.

Working with Checked Out Projects

A checked out project is saved in the designated "Checked Out" folder as a standard database file (*.rsrp) that has the same name as the project. To work on a file, open it by choosing File > Recent and then selecting the *.rsrp file on the list. You can also choose File > Open Repository and browse for the *.rsrp file.

If you want to open the file on a different computer, make a copy of the file and save it on the computer that you will be working on. When you are ready to check in the file from the original computer, overwrite the file in the "Checked Out" folder with the more recent version of the file. This will ensure that any changes you made to the project will be reflected in the repository when you check in the project.

Check In a Project

To check in a project, select the project under the Checked Out heading in the Project Manager and choose Project > Management > Check In/Out > Check In.

Note that when you check in a project, the software creates a project baseline, which is an exact replica (i.e., a backup) of the project before it was checked out. This allows you to restore the project to its prior state when and if needed. The baseline will include a description of the user who checked out the project, as well as the date and time of the check out. See Project Baselines.

If you rename, move or delete the file in the "Checked Out" folder, you will no longer be able to check in the project. You can, however, undo the check out.

Undo Check Out

To undo a check out, select the project under the Checked Out heading in the Project Manager and choose Project > Management > Check In/Out > Undo Check Out.

When you undo a check out, all changes made to the project will be discarded, and the copy of the project before it was checked out will be restored. In a non-secure database, any user can undo a check-out. In a secure database, a user can undo a check-out if he/she a) is the user who checked out the project, b) is the project owner or c) has the “Manage all projects” permission.


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